This is the keeper of The Gryphon Guild, Osila! You will see her often.

Golden_Gryphon's   Gryphon   Guild!

You slowly enter the Guild. It is dimly lighted and there is a fire going in the corner. There is also music going in the background. You feel nervous, wondering what lives here, in such a cold, dry place. You see a beautiful Golden_Gryphon. You slowly walk up to it and the gryphon gracefully bows to you. I am glad you are here, this is my home, feel free to look around. she says. You are suprised that this creature can talk, but by the sound of its voice you figure it is female. She paces around you. She is in her teen age. I have been waiting for you to visit, I don't get many visitors. Not many know this place, I wish they did. mumbling in a low voice. You turn around, looking at the walls. It is not very colorful in here, but there are some bright colors around. You would think that this place isn't very big, but then she shows you around. I add things to this place almost everyday. I make most everything in here. You figured as much because everything has her signature on it. Look around all you want, be sure to sign the guestbook so I remember you. She leaves the room and you walk towards a door.

Attention: Osila's Dragon has escaped! Will you help her find him? He is a pitch black dragon, that camoflouges into the nest. Osila would greatly appreciate it if you helped her find Invis(short for Invisible) If you find all 5 of his pictures hidden all around in different rooms, please Email Golden_Gryphon the URL address you found them at and you will recieve an award. Osila thanks you greatly. Be on your journey for the missing Dragons. Below is a picture of Invis, this one does not count.

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