SpaceGodzilla: This is a classic!
Ebirah: No its not, it's only 14 years old.
SpaceGodzilla: How many times do I have to threaten
    your life a day?!
Ebirah: Well sorryyyyy, looks like someone got up pn the
    wrong side of Mt. Fuji Today!
SpaceGodzilla: I'll pretend that I didn't hear that.
Ebirah: TOHO released this film because they had just
    re-released Godzilla 1954, and fans were to be pleased.
SpaceGodzilla: OK, so a fisherman sees Godzilla rise up out
    of the sea, Blah, Blah, Blah, now to the good parts. The
    Japanese army sends out the Supa X.
Ebirah: Wait, you forgot about Steve Martin!
SpaceGodzilla: Steve Martin?! He's in Father of the Bride, 
    not Godzilla 1985! 
Ebirah: His name is Ramond Burr!
SpaceGodzilla: But you just said it was Steve Martin! Gees,
    get your brain in the right exoskeleton!
Ebirah: Steve Martin is the name of the character that Ramond
    Burr plays!
SpaceGodzilla: Oh, I'd come and attack and maim you right now,
    but, I'm too embarrassed to move.
Ebirah: That's better.
SpaceGodzilla: I'm sorry, please continue your great crabiness!
Ebirah: Thank you, wait a minute,... will all of this being 
    nice to me end up in pain and agony at the end of this
SpaceGodzilla: You becher! Ya know, I really like that 
    robot-Godzilla toy Steve's nephew was playing with!
Gorosaurus: Oiy!
SpaceGodzilla: What the..., Gorosaurus, what are you doing 
    here? And what does oiy mean?!
Gorosaurus: Well, I really just wanted to be here for no good
    reason at all, and oiy is just my favorite word! 
    (pronounced oi-y, oi as in oink, and y as in yoyo)!
SpaceGodzilla: Ya know, I like you a lot better than Ebirah!
    Hey,... where is Ebirah?
Ebirah: Muff im noin rewtsend!!!!!
Gorosaurus: I'm sitting on him!
Ebirah: Nyaaaa frinog poies donp!
Gorosaurus: Ooo, keep yelling!, that massages my behind!
SpaceGodzilla: Hey, get off! I want to get on!
Ebirah: Nyahhhh ewenrt hiquens!
SpaceGodzilla: Ooo, you were right!
Gorosaurus: Now back to the movie. 
SpaceGodzilla: So, what happens when the Supa X blows up?
Gorosaurus: Hobos eat in expensive restaurants, and people 
    get bad cuts by power tools!
SpaceGodzilla: Well, ya.
Gorosaurus: Ok, so a missle is heading toward Tokyo, the 
    Americans blow it up, some scientists find a way to 
    control Godzilla, Godzilla follows some fake bird calls,
    he falls into Mt. Fuji, and Steve Martin makes a speech!
SpaceGodzilla: What was all that for?
Gorosaurus: I had to make up for lost time!
SpaceGodzilla: I guess so, well, now I'm supposed to beat up
    Ebirah!... Hey, where is he?! OWWWWW!!!!! My tail!
Ebirah: If I'm going to be maimed, I had better deserve it!
    Uh oh, here comes the beam! 5...4...3...2...1.....
Gorosaurus: Owwwww!!!!!
SpaceGodzilla: Hey, now come on, I just missed by a little!

5 days later:

SpaceGodzilla: Mmmphhh, coig bentlez choboo!
Gorosaurus: Ahh, I love this new massager! Come on!, lets here
    some real roaring!!!!!

Ebirah has been sat on times.

The Tokyo Links!

Terror of Tokyo!: Take a WWW cab back to Tokyo!
SpaceGodzilla and Ebirah's movie reviews!: Siskel and Ebert, well eat your hearts out!!!!!