I often confuse depression with confusion.  I think I am depressed when I am only confused.  When I am confused, I usually will not smile unless I decide what to do about it.  This is why I consider myself depressed when it is only confusion.  I hate not knowing what I'll do if this happens, or not understanding why I do certain things and choose certain decisions.  So I take up so much time deciding what I'll do about specific situations and what decision I'll make in the future.   This keeps my mind very busy.  I have so much to think about.

Depression in much different then confusion.  It is based upon not being happy with how your life is going or how it has gone.  Then it occupies your thoughts and brain making it hard to think of anything happy because you are so busy mourning over something that's going on or has happened.  No one can cure you.   No one can talk you into being happy. You feel alone and lonely.  You feel like being alone.  You fear getting lectured to.  Considering it is none of their business, you begin to hate the lecturers no matter how much you love them.  In fact, you don't care what you are putting your loved ones through because you are in deeper than them.  You think to yourself "Why are they bugging me?  They don't really care about me!  They are just trying to annoy me."   This becomes a problem because then your brain in going to start thinking, "Wow! They don't like me, I guess I am a bad person."

Depression is serious and can last a lifetime.  There is only one cure to depression.  Of course, when you are in depression you do not realize this, but it is true.  No relative or friend can cure you.  Prescriptions only cover up the problem making you artificially happy.  This only only cures it temporarily.   Why even call it a cure?  It is only a cover up.  When you finish your prescription, you are back to your depressed self.  That is why many people who have ever taken a prescription for depression are still on it; because the moment they get off it, it brings them back to real life.

Many who suffer from depression will do literally anything to escape real life, even suicide.  What convinces a depressed individual to commit suicide?   The act that they think that no one cares or loves them and everyone else would be happier if they took their own life.  I will guarantee you that every person that ever committed suicide who was depressed when they did it, thought of these things.   These things at least ran through their head at least once. 

There is only one thing that causes this and one thing that cures this.   The virus that brings this upon people is the flesh.  They only one and only thing that cures this serious problem is God.  Jesus is the only one that can save you from this serious and deadly illness.  No doctor can cure this.  No lecture can, unless Jesus opens your eyes to understand what the lecturer is saying.  But anyone that has ever been fully cured, not just covered up, was cured by the Holy Spirit.  No exceptions!  No matter what that person thinks cured them, it all comes down to Jesus.  So whenever you feel depressed about something or maybe just sad, pray for forgiveness (if you have done something wrong that has inflicted this pain), or pray that this sad and depressing burden be taken off of your back.  Believe me, Jesus will cure you in due time.

Written by a "real" teen-ager that I know!


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