Hullo Again...

Yep, it's me again, folx, your friendly neighborhood whup-ass red headed husky, Chavaleh. I was just about to go to my lunch break when Silabub dropped this heap of stuff at my feet. I looked it over, and saw that it was all artwork of Alethia and her friends done by all sorts of different artists. Obviously, I am suppsed to make a gallery of this. Well, I got started, but there are still a few dozen that still need to be put up. But you can take a look at and enjoy what is up here for now :)

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Alethia and Whisper drawn by Moon Wang ( chars by Kylen Miles and Moon Wang )
One of the greatest friends I have ever had in furrydom, drew this picture for me some time ago when I was very physically ill. Around fur fandom, I am mostly known as Tiera, hence, the name Tiera at the top of the drawing. Anywise, this picture came as a wonderful surprise to me and it is beautiful. Whisper has one of the most talents I have ever seen, and she is the queen of big cat art.
Alethia drawn by Luke Trickett ( char by Kylen Miles )
A really KYOOTE pic of Alethia, fallen asleep on a sleeping bag.
Alethia drawn by Beth Schultz aka Ashryn Sikirius ( char by Kylen Miles )
A simply gorgeous picture of Alethia titled "Silver and Gold" as drawn by one of my most absolute best friends ever; Ashryn. Unfortunately, she moved back to Michigan over a month ago and I haven't seen or heard from her since, and it is driving me nuts :(
Alethia and Ricky drawn by Elista Adkins ( chars by Kylen Miles and Ricky Galahad )
An older but cute picture of Alethia hitching a ride when she was still involved with Ricky.
Alethia and Penny drawn by Nicole Messina ( chars by Kylen Miles and Nicole Messina )
A really cute picture of Penny and Alethia as angels frolicking in the clouds.
Alethia and DJ drawn by Jake Williams( chars by Kylen Miles and Jake Wiliams )
Jake knows I will kill him if he ever takes a drag, so here is Alethia enforcing that law on DJ.
Alethia, Ricky, Azelin, and Dylan drawn by Luke Trickett ( chars by Kylen Miles, Dylan Rinald, Ricky Galahad, and Luke Trickett )
A really coolio pic of Alethia and the others donning the roles of the Matrix characters.
Alethia drawn by Kevin Quaid ( char by Kylen Miles )
And so begins an artistic chronicle of the times and trials of Kylen Miles animating her first film. Of course, I enslaved several lackeys to paint and ink my cels for me. One of them, a so-named Kevin Quaid, rebelled against my power and drew this so he and the rest could cackle about me behind my back.
Alethia, Grey, Azelin, and DJ drawn by Kevin Quaid( chars by Kylen Miles, Luke Trickett, Jake Williams, and Kevin Quaid )
While taking a break from animating, Kevin forced us to watch this videotape of r to x-rated cartoons. Well, here is our reactions to some of the things we saw....
Alethia and Kevin drawn by Kevin Quaid ( chars by Kylen Miles and Kevin Quaid )
I will never forgive myself for allowing myself to meet Kevin Quaid. Just kidding. Kevin is a fellow furry animator who lives in my building, on the first floor, whereas I live on the second floor. Anywise, he drew this pic of our first meeting.
Alethia drawn by Kevin Quaid ( char by Kylen Miles )
If any of you talk to me on ICQ, you know that my ICQ has a habit of breaking down because my school has shitty internet connections and a lot of times the internet is down for a period of weeks. Anywise, I spend a lot of time at the complaints department screaming at all the idiots in there who don't know what they are doing and take over a week to fix just one small problem.
Alethia drawn by Kevin Quaid ( char by Kylen Miles )
Up until the last minute of filming day, I was laboring over my film, painting cels like no one's business. I hadn't slept in over two days straight, or left the same room in over two days straight. I hand't seen daylight in two days straight..and I was begining to go delerious..I was smeared with paint blobs and pen ink.
Alethia drawn by Kevin Quaid( char by Kylen Miles )
This piccie is so cute and pretty!! I just love her expression and the way she looks in this pic, truly a gorgeous drawing, Kev!! Thanks!
Alethia drawn by Kevin Quaid( char by Kylen Miles )
Ah..another one of my mood swings while finishing my first animated film. Animation isn't for the faint of heart. Just ask my slaves.
Alethia and Grey drawn by Kevin Quaid ( chars by Kylen Miles and Kevin Quaid )
I managed to get Kevin to ink all my animation cels by bribing him with Chinese Food. Poor'll hate me forever, won't you?
Alethia drawn by Katalin Bakyoni( char by Kylen Miles )
A wonderful artistic gift that was presented to me by Greywolf Lupous and Rover Artist Lupous on my birthday :))
Alethia drawn by Altar Prime( char by Kylen Miles )
A way cool pic of Alethia in a way I had never pictured her in before...3D!
Alethia and Hunter drawn by Dylan Rinald( chars by Kylen Miles and WB )
YEAH!!!!! I LOVE this great pic by Dylan for obvious reasons ;)
Hiroshima drawn by Dylan Rinald ( char by Kylen Miles )
This pic of Hiro came as a bit of a surprise, but I love it anyway, and it is one of my favorites out of all the pics Dylan has given me.
Alethia, Star, and Callie drawn by Dianne Laureano ( chars by Kylen Miles, Kathrine Gore, and Bozena McCants )
A way cool pic of Alethia and two of her closest friends just chilling together. Don't ever double-cross any of them- for they watch either other's backs venomously!
Jedore drawn by Jeremy Doe ( char by Kylen Miles )
I had tried to draw my character, Jedore, the Beauceron, only one time before, for I couldn't decide on a good way to design him. But this looks like a great place to start!
Alethia drawn by Dianne Laureano ( char by Kylen Miles )
A really cute black and white pic of Alethia being cute ;)
Alethia drawn by Dianne Laureano ( char by Kylen Miles )
And yet another cute black and white pic of Alethia!!!
Chavaleh drawn by Dianne Laureano ( char by Kylen Miles )
A REALLY happnin' pic of Chavaleh!! Believe me, she loved it very much when she saw it!
Alethia and Ricky drawn by Erika Rosengarten( chars by Kylen Miles and Ricky Galahad )
A really beautiful surprise gift done by the super-friendly Chilly Mouse of Yerf!
Chavaleh and Delilah drawn by Dianne Laureano ( chars by Kylen Miles and Dianne Laureano )
Two hip bad asses just chilling around and looking generally pissed off.
Chavaleh drawn by Lauren J.( char by Kylen Miles )
A A great pic of Chavaleh growling and looking over her shoulder. I wouldn't get in her way!
Alethia drawn by Luke Trickett ( char by Kylen Miles )
Due to the outrageous price of car insurance here in LA, I had to leave my beloved 1992 buick regal back in Sacramento. I miss it so much, and whenever I see another buick on the road, it is enough to give me fits!
Chavaleh drawn by Beth Schultz aka Ashryn Sikirius( char by Kylen Miles )
One of my absolute fave pics of Chavaleh ever drawn. And oh my goodness!! I have to commend whoever was able to talk Chava into putting on a dress. She probably only wore it less than hour tho- she would much sooner ran around in her slip and brassiere then stay in elegancies such as this. Chava, you look beautiful just the same!
Alethia drawn by Charity Gifford ( char by Kylen Miles )
A really sweet and great birthday pic drawn for me by Charity. Thanks girl!!!
Alethia drawn by Beth Schultz aka Ashryn Sikirius( char by Kylen Miles )
O_O Oh my eyes popped right out of my skull when I first saw this picture. It is absolutely ravin' gorgeous!!! It is a beautiful pic drawn by this kabillion talented girl, and it even features some of the lyrics from the song that plays on the main page of "Alethia's Realm". I could go on forever about this gorgeous pic. Unfortunately, Ashryn has been ripped off before, so if I catch anyone messing around with this pic or any others by her, I will f*cking shove your head up your ass.
Alethia drawn by Elista Adkins ( char by Kylen Miles )
A really cute piccie of Alethia hangin' among the stars.
Alethia drawn by Dianne Laureano ( char by Kylen Miles )
Eeeeeee!!! A cutie pic of Alethia smiling away!!!!
Alethia drawn by Jamel Markee ( char by Kylen Miles )
This is a great pic drawn by my VERY cool artist friend back at my old high school. How are you dealing with Mr. Knorzer and the Art Club, old friend?
Alethia drawn by Beth Schultz aka Ashryn Sikirius ( char by Kylen Miles )
The first pic my beloved Ashi ever drew for me. God, the more images I post from her, the more I think about her!! Wah!! Ashi, come back!!!!!!!
Alethia drawn by Jake Williams ( char by Kylen Miles )
A cute pic of Alethia drawn by my surrogate brother. He has just taken up drawing and he is getting better and better all the time!
Alethia drawn by Charity Gifford ( char by Kylen Miles )
Alethia poses in front of her beloved country's flag.
Alethia drawn by Nicole Messina ( char by Kylen Miles )
One of the most ADORABLE piccies I have ever seen in my life- a cute pic given to me to wish me luck in my across-state trekk to college.
Alethia drawn by Emma( char by Kylen Miles )
A really cute piccie of Alethia in canis form :)
Alethia drawn by Alex Martinez( char by Kylen Miles )
The beautiful drawing of Alethia drawn by Alex. I miss me dobie :((

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