FURY (MBIS MBISS MPINSS MBPIS Am/Can Ch Groveshire's Fast and Furious) with 17 Best in Shows while being shown by his breeder/owner is the top-winning breeder/owner handled Yorkshire Terrier in Canadian history!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fury has 21 Best in Shows and 12 Best in Specialty Shows (in USA and Canada combined) and has over 100 Group Firsts (in USA and Canada combined) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The latest news...
Stevie (Canadian Champion Jala's Landslide at Groveshire.) --Becomes an Canadian Champion with
a Group First, Two Group Seconds and a Group Forth
Everly (Groveshire's Let It Be Me) --Wins a Best Puppy in Group at her very first show
Please come in...
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it's animals are treated" --Mohandas Gandhi