' Groveshire Yorkshire Terriers--Breeders of Yorkies in Newfoundland, Canada

FURY (MBIS MBISS MPINSS MBPIS Am/Can Ch Groveshire's Fast and Furious)
with 17 Best in Shows while being shown by his breeder/owner
is the top-winning breeder/owner handled
Yorkshire Terrier in Canadian history!!

Fury has 21 Best in Shows and 12 Best in Specialty Shows (in USA and Canada combined)
and has over 100 Group Firsts (in USA and Canada combined)


The latest news...

(Canadian Champion Jala's Landslide at Groveshire.)

--Becomes an Canadian Champion with a Group First, Two Group Seconds and a Group Forth

(Groveshire's Let It Be Me)

--Wins a Best Puppy in Group at her very first show


Please come in...

"The greatness of a nation can be judged
by the way it's animals are treated"
--Mohandas Gandhi