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BAREier Island Naturist Couples
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This group is for Naturist Couples near the Gulf Coast. Male / Female Couples only. NOT a sex group! Profile Pic of you and your spouse uploaded in your profile is required for membership !

The Islands!

Events for the Naturist on the Gulf Coast

This sites purpose is to promote social nudity on Ship Island, Johnson's Beach in Pensacola, FL, which is part of the Gulf Islands National Sea Shore. We will be working closely with nearby family nudist resorts like LaPines in LA, Riviera and Sunburst near Pensacola FL. Members of the group are encouraged to organize nude outings, camps and hiking in the Black Water State Forest. Pot Luck socials in members homes. On line Cyber Meetings.

Code of Conduct: It is important that we maintain the highest standards of courtesy, dignity and personal integrity. This is not a swingers Club, don’t ask. No means “NO”

Lets talk about Johnson’s Beach 1st. This beach is located near Perdido Key, FL. Just south west of Pensacola. It is part of the Gulf Islands National Sea Shore. BEFORE hurricane Ivan in Sep. 2004. This beach was “ok" for most nudist activity. Ivan destroyed most of the dunes! This part of the island is now just a flat sand bar. The north side of the island stays busy with heavy boat traffic. The island is so flat now, you can stand on the north side and see most of the Gulf Side (south side). This makes it very hard to be discreet! It is NOT a relaxing day. You must stay alert at all times. If you use this part of the beach for your nudist activities, please do NOT push your luck!

Where to go on Johnson’s? Park as far as you are allowed on the beach road. Walk to the end of the road (about ½ mile). Then walk along the Gulf side east about another mile or so till you see the PVC "F" pole/post, also called the "F" post in the sand. From that point on you are some what safe. BE CAREFUL! Cover up if ANYONE walks by until you know they are nudist.

If you have not yet experienced the pleasures of going naked among other like-minded people then you certainly have something great to look forward to, and it really is quite easy. Naturally everyone feels a little awkward and self-conscious to begin with, but in no time at all you will adapt to this wonderful new experience, and hardly even be aware that you are naked. Some people find it easier if their first time is at an established naturist resort, while others prefer to go to one of the clothes optional beaches to see if they enjoy being nude among others. Women often feel the security, comfort and friendliness of a resort or club is more appealing than the isolation of a beach, feeling more at ease into the relaxed non-threatening environment.

An interesting point here is that, while it is usually men who are the first instigators of social nudity, it is often the women who embrace the naturist lifestyle quicker and with greater enthusiasm than their male partners. Of course, one of the most common concerns about going nude among others is the fear of sexual arousal. In reality this does not present a problem. While social nudity can certainly be sensual, overt sexuality remains clearly in the domain of privacy. You will find that in no time at all you not only tend to forget you are naked, but you also become less aware that those around you are too. Just one word of warning though. With your first experience behind you, you will almost certainly become a convert.

So be warned - it is habit forming. After all, it really is more pleasurable to go swimming, sunbathing, walking, or playing sport in the nude!

The Islands!

Ship Island Boat
Call Ship Island Excursions at:

As of June, 2009, the prices are:
Adults: $24.00 round trip.


This section has been set up to help naturists with information about Ship Island located near Gulfport, MS. We hope this will help promote more participation in naturism on the island. This island is part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore.

This island is about 12 miles off the coast and can be reached by a concession boat. This boat service STARTS the 1st weekend in March and will stop for the winter the last weekend in October!


Ship Island is actually two islands, East and West. The boat will take you to West Ship Island. After getting off the boat, you will need to walk south to the gulf side then EAST! about one, to two miles ( this is the East side of West Ship Island! NOT East Ship Island!) You can NOT walk to East Ship Island!).

THE PARK RANGERS, IN MOST CASES, WILL NOT BOTHER THE NATURIST SUNBATHERS ON THIS PART OF THE ISLAND. You do not need to look for a big gathering of people. Just find a good spot and relax.

In Mississippi, the Gulf Islands include the offshore barrier islands of Horn, Petit Bois, and East and West Ship Islands. The visitor center is located off Highway 90 in Ocean Springs, MS (601) 875-9057. Private boats may visit (and camp on) any of the islands year round, BUT! there is NO camping on West Ship Island!

Bring everything you need! Water, food, toilet paper ect. There are no facilities on the East side of West Ship of the island.

On your way back, there are limited facilities near the main swimming area and bathrooms. Also, there is a Civil War fort on the island that can be explored.

Whether you're beach combing, or exploring an old fortification, Gulf Islands National Seashore is a park rich in cultural and natural history opportunities. Stretching along the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from West Ship Island, Mississippi, 150 miles eastward to the far end of Santa Rosa Island in Florida, is a chain of barrier islands set aside for public use and recreation. Clear blue waters, gentle sloping beaches, coastal marshes and vivid human history, this is what the Gulf Islands have to offer. Enjoy: NATURALLY!!

For More on Ship Island, Click Here!
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