This horoscope page is especially for horses, who will receive guidance and suggestions for improving the quality of their lives. A horse's birthday can be determined by the day he or she was acquired by the owner, or of the date of their real birth. After all, a horse doesn't really begin life until he or she belongs to a loving human. Enjoy reading the Horsey Horoscopes with your favorite four-legged friend.


January 20-February 18
Your equine body is not so easily defined during the month. Go trail riding or launch a new exercise routine. Teamwork can have a great effect. And ease up on the peppermints.


February 19-March 20
Stamina may wax and wane inexplicably. You have been spreading yourself too thin. Let your instincts lead you to that blue ribbon, great trailride, or a wonderful lesson with your favorite human.


March 21-April 19
You know how to get by in this difficult, modern world, both personally and professionally. Continue to surround yourself with your favorite things, including horse and human friends that you love.


April 20-May 20
Your driving and undying curiosity will lead you to an adventure before the month is out, probably with your enthusiastic owner or rider.


May 21-June 20
Humility is always a good equine attribute, but this month you should try to have a more realist self-image. You will play an important part in big plans, such as a horse show or gymkhana.


June 21-July 22
Those you meet will see greatness in you. Your quirky entertaining side will satisfy a large audience. Enjoy the spotlight.


July 23-August 22
You lead a quiet and private life. Communication is the key this month. Check in with equine buddies and loved ones.


August 23-September 22
Your optimism will cheer up a sad special rider this month. By the month's end, you will breath a sigh of relief, for happy days are ahead.


September 23-October 22
You will be part of a team (maybe a gymkhana or some other sort of team) that will reach its goal. Success will abound. Consider sorting out bossy four-legged friends.


October 23-November 21
You seem to be constantly changing, but it's really not so - you just possess so many traits, that you always seem new.


November 22-December 21
Some other horses may challenge you in an unexpected way today. Stand on all fours and don't panic. Make sure you correctly interept his or her intent.


December 22-January 19
You are affectionate, eager to please, and highly aware of your owner's/rider's needs and moods. Don't yield too quickly to the demands of others or you may get equine burnout.