The Magic Tunnel (continued)

This ending is a continuation of Kendra's ending !!!

Flower Line

Bobbie and Beth spent a pleasant afternoon together. They did their homework to the accompaniment of music by Alanis and No Doubt, just as Billy and Robert would have done. They chatted about the days' events: friends, teachers, and Bobbie's upcoming birthday party. They were going to have a pool party, just as Billy and the male Bobby had planned. Only now, of course, they would both have to wear swimsuits at the pool instead of swimming trunks. Beth laughed at the thought, amazed that she now giggled in such a high-pitched voice.
Everything was so different, yet the same. It was only when the discussion turned to subjects such as clothing and boys that Beth became uncomfortable.
"What's wrong, Beth?" asked Bobbie as they were flipping through Seventeen magazine. "You're usually really interested in all the latest fashions and stuff. Oooo, look at this pic ! Isn't he just adorable ???"
Earlier Bobbie had confessed to Beth her crush on Angel, the exchange student from Spain. Beth was not surprised. Back in her own world, Bob had spent much class time sneaking peaks at Angela, who of course in Billy's world was a girl. And a very pretty one at that: classical Spanish features, lovely figure, and a beautiful smile. The smile had transferred to the boy Angel, who was handsome and flamboyant.
"You're not upset about Jeff are you ? The one who took your hair bow today? Don't worry about him ... I think that it's because he actually likes you. Hey look, there he is now, at the swimming pool!"
Beth and Robin looked out the window at the community swimming pool at the base of the hill. Jeff was not hard to spot with his close-cropped red hair. Sure enough, he was strutting by the side of the pool in a skimpy bathing trunk, bare-chested and barefoot. He waved to the girls and then dived into the pool from the far end.
"What a show-off ..." Robin snorted. Beth remained silent. She remembered Jeff as Jill, the silly giggly red-haired girl who was always sneaking pencils away from Billy's desk when he wasn't looking. Could it have been because Jill had a crush on Billy ?
Suddenly a dark-haired boy marched into the room. Beth was surprised, for she half-expected her little brother Alex to be a girl in this world. Alex didn't go to Westvale. Was that why the looking glass had not affected him ? It seemed that only the Westvale students had been changed.
"Beth?" he demanded in a whining voice. "Have you been using my computer?"
As Billy, the computer had always been in her room.
"Uh, well, I have the right to use it whenever I want, you know," replied Beth defiantly.
"You're supposed to get my permission first, so that I can make sure that you don't mess up anything," said Alex indignantly.
Now Beth was getting upset. "I know just as much about computers you do. Now leave me and Bobbie alone."
Alex marched out of the room, and Beth and Robin returned to watching tv and playing their new CDs. What had gotten into Alex ? As Billy, his little brother had always deferred to him.
An hour later, Alex was outside playing basketball and Beth's mom had gone to do the shopping.
"It's time!" announced Bobbie. She grabbed a pencil and led Beth to the bathroom.

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"Um, what are we doing?" asked Beth.
"You know, what we always do ..." replied Bobbie, as she pulled off her T-shirt and shorts. Soon she was standing in just her bra and panties, and turning around to admire her figure.
Beth was shocked, and stood there with her mouth wide open. For a while she was afraid that she would be discovered, but then remembered that her current body was every bit as female as her best friend's was.
"What do you think?" said Bobbie, as she removed her bra. "They've definitely been growing lately. We were going to do the pencil test today, remember?"
"The what?" exclaimed Beth.
"You know, the pencil test. You were the one who told me about it !"
Bobbie proceeded to balance a pencil on top of her breasts. She was on the verge of saying ta-da, when the pencil lost its balance and fell clanking to the floor.
"Well, your turn," said Bobbie.
Beth wasn't quite sure what to do.
"Um, Bobbie, I'm not sure about this ..."
"Oh come on, since when were you so modest? It's not like we've never done this before ..."
Sighing, Beth obligingly removed her pink T-shirt and bra, and they proceeded to balance the pencil on top of her breasts. As a boy she could never in a million years have imagined that she would ever be wearing a bra, much less needing one. The pencil quivered for a bit, but then balanced.
"Wow!" said Bobbie with a smile. "I'm impressed. You should be proud! Now, let's try on some make-up ..."
Beth gulped down a squeak of embarrassment, but fortunately at that moment came the scraping sound of the garage door opening. Beth's mom was coming home. They quickly put their clothes back on and packed away all the make-up stuff
"Hi Bobbie," smiled Beth's mom. "Did you girls have fun today? You did remember to do your homework didn't you ?"
"Yes, Mrs. Clarke," smiled Bobbie, as she left. "Bye, Beth," she said as she gave her best friend a hug. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. Call me tonight."
"Bobbie," whispered Beth. "Do you notice anything ... strange about me today?"
Bobbie gave her an inquisitive look, but then said thoughtfully, "You do seem just a little out of it today. There was how you were sitting in class ..."
"What do you mean?" said Beth.
"Well ... you shouldn't sit with your legs apart like that. You're lucky that the boys didn't really notice. Well, I've got to go ... Bye !!!"
That evening Beth's mom made her help cook dinner, something that she had never had to do as Billy. Naturally, she was really clumsy at nearly everything.
"Honestly, Beth," said her mom. "The way you're carrying on today, you'd think that I just taught you all of this yesterday!" If her mom only knew how close to the truth that was.
Just then her dad walked in the door. "Hi dear," she said giving Beth's mom a kiss. "And how's my little princess today?" It took Beth a while to realize that he was talking about her. Beth's dad gave her a kiss on the cheek, so that she could smell his aftershave and feel the stubble on his face. She didn't remember having ever received a kiss like that from her father as Billy.
"Um, I'm just fine, Dad ... what about you ?"
"Great, sweetheart, just great ... and I don't mind being called 'Daddy', just so that you know."
He then went outside to play some basketball with Alex. Beth pouted ... it seemed so unfair, that she had to be in here cooking with her mom while Alex got to play basketball with her dad ! Beth was beginning to wish that she were back in her own universe. The tunnel would still be there tomorrow, right ? Beth shuddered at the thought that it might have vanished.
At dinner, Alex teased her incessantly, as all younger brothers tease their older sisters: about being fat (which Beth wasn't), and about having a crush on a neighborhood boy who didn't go to Westvale and therefore was also a boy in this universe (a thought which disgusted Beth). She wanted to talk with her father about parallel universes, but her dad soon dismissed the idea and went off to read the evening paper.
After the novel experience of using the bathroom as a girl, Beth prepared for bed. She had felt almost normal while doing her homework, but then while searching for a highlighter in her drawer she had stumbled on a pack of tampons. She had started, all right. Beth wasn't sure that she wanted to remain a girl during her period. She hadn't learned much about this as Billy and the thought frightened her a little bit.
Beth opened the drawer but instead of finding her usual blue pajama shirt and trousers she found only a delicate pink nightgown. Slipping into it, Beth tumbled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

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When she awoke the next morning, Beth wondered if perhaps it had all been a dream, but no, she was still in a girl's room, surrounded by stuffed animals and frilly decorations. She was still wearing her pink nightgown, and her long hair was disheveled after a long night of sleep. Apprehensively, she checked the area around her crotch and found that it was still flat.
She jumped out of bed, noting her delicate little feet and long, slender legs. As she moved toward the mirror, she could feel her widened hips and the new swellings on her chest. Even the simple act of walking seemed different now. Beth posed for a while in the mirror. In spite of the shock, she could see how lovely her new body was. Her flat panties conspicuously revealed the absence of any male genitalia.
Beth rummaged in the drawer for a bra and got ready for school.

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Beth climbed back through the tunnel, getting that same queasy feeling. When she arrived on the other side, she sighed in relief, for Beth was Billy again. He made a quick check inside his pants to make sure that everything was there, which it was. But he wasn't wearing the same clothes as he had when he entered the tunnel the day before ! Who had dressed him ?

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"Rob," Billy said ... "This is going to sound really strange. I know it will. The most incredible thing happened to me yesterday."
"Oh really? Like what?"
"I don't think that you'd believe me if I told you."
Rob shrugged. "I dunno ... try me."
"There's a secret tunnel underneath our school, with the entrance in the basement, and I've been going back and forth through it. I found it while looking for Mrs. Wilkins' eraser."
"Really? That is sooo cool ! No wonder it took you so long to get back ! Well, I mean, Westvale is so old, it's no wonder that something like that would turn up! I've wanted to go look for one myself ! Where does the tunnel lead to ?" "OK, but now here's the part you won't believe. It leads to, um, some sort of a parallel universe !"
Now Rob was starting to look skeptical. "Um, ok, go on ..."
"Only the kids at Westvale can see it, and not the adults, and someone in your group has to be holding this rock, which sort of acts as a key. You can only see the tunnel while you're holding the rock."
"That's really interesting, Billy, but don't you think that we're getting sort of old for this kind of make-believe?"
"No, I'm serious!" Billy insisted.
"What do you mean by 'a parallel universe' ? A place where there are dragons and unicorns, and we can become knights and adventurers, something like that? You've been watching too many TV shows."
"No, actually it's a world that's almost exactly like this one, in which we have the same school, same teachers, same house and parents, same everything except ..."
"Well, I wasn't exactly the same person. Something changed me when I crawled through the tunnel. I don't know what exactly, but in this world everything was the same except for all the students at Westvale."
"Well, who, or what, were you then?"
"Now here's the part that you really won't believe. You see, in this alternate world, I'm ... a girl ! I'm a female version of myself! And so are you! In fact, all the Westvale students have their sex reversed, and no one seemed to notice except for me!"
"Did you say that you're a girl in this other world?" exclaimed Rob in disbelief.
"Yup, exactly. And my name is Beth. You're a girl too, named Robin."
Rob crossed his arms, staring at Billy for several long seconds. "You're crazy, buddy."
"Rob, I am dead serious about this. I went through the tunnel, and somehow I was a girl named Beth, and everyone treated me as if I'd been that way all my life, including you ..."
"You mean, um, the girl me..."
"Right ! I spent an entire afternoon and night at home as a girl, and everything was the same about my family, except for me ! I mean, my clothes, my room, everything was completely different !"
"Whoa, you mean, you spent an entire night in this alternate world? You didn't come back until this morning ?"
"OK, but I was at your house yesterday afternoon, with you, don't you remember? We played video games, talked about the pool party ... "
"Rob, that person wasn't me. Well, not really. It was the girl me, the real girl me, Beth, I mean, in my body. And at the same time the you, the girl you, was at my house in the other universe, only we're both girls there ! Don't you see ?"
"Hmm, well you were acting a bit strange. Billy, you have a great imagination, but ..."
"But now we're each back in our original universes, because I went back through the tunnel ! And so did Beth ! And I bet that right now, Beth is telling the other you about all this too !"
"Billy, we've been friends for a long time, but ..."
"I'll prove it to you ! Tomorrow, we'll go through the tunnel together!"
Rob thought about it for a moment, and finally decided to play along, wondering why his poor friend was saying such weird things. "Okay, fine, show me the tunnel. But will I be transformed into, um, a girl on the other side?"
"I guess so. We'll both be transformed."
"I'm not sure that I want to be a girl."
"It's only for a little while, and besides it doesn't hurt. You feel a little queasy for a while for you're crawling through the tunnel, but that's it. Before you know it, you're on the other side, and everything's different."
"Wait a minute, did you end up just dressed as a girl, or I mean ... a real girl?"
"You'd be in big trouble on the other side if your body didn't change too! As far as I could tell, as Beth I was completely a girl."
"Even ..."
"Yes, even there, with girl plumbing and everything. I had to wear a bra and pee sitting down."
"There is no way I'm ever doing that, Billy."
"As a boy you'll never have to ... but once you're on the other side of the tunnel ... It's not such a big deal. You'll get used to it quickly."
"Fortunately, this is just a joke, so I'm not going to worry."
"Half of the world's population does it, Rob, like I said it's no big deal."
Rob got up to leave, shaking his head.
"Okay, tomorrow morning, we meet each other an hour before class, and we're going through the tunnel. All right ?"
"Um, and no one's going to miss us ?"
"I have a feeling that while we're over here, Beth and Robin are going to be in our world, pretending to be us."
Rob gave Billy a strange look. "I think that you're going out of your mind, but I'll meet you in the schoolyard tomorrow morning. See ya then," he said as he left.
Flower Line

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