Welcome Brannan Sports July 2000
Susan and Ricky Brannan have ventured into the retail business with a sports store which opened in July 2000. They are concentrating on soccer equipment and uniforms right now, but there is a good possibility they will expand into baseball, too. Great going you two! We wish you the best!

Laurie Brannan Shifts Careers in 2000
Our favorite "hostess" is now employed with a pharmaceutical company. Laurie spent most of the summer in Atlanta being trained, then another week in Philadelphia for more orientation. We wish you the best of luck, Laurie!

Jim Adams Relocates in March 2000
Jim has accepted a fulltime position with DealMac.com in Huntsville, Alabama. He has worked for DealMac on a parttime basis the past year as Senior Staff Writer. His new position is Content Editor of the site. We hate to see him go, but wish him all the best!

Steve and Cathy Watson Become Foster Parents 1999
In August 1999 Steve and Cathy became foster parents to brothers Hunter and Seth. We wish them all the success in the world and admire their devotion and determination to make a difference in these little boys' lives. Hunter is 2-1/2 and Seth is 1-1/2.

Fred and Sue Holt Join the Leisure Bunch 1999
Fred & Sue retired February 1, 1999 from Holt Service Company, Inc. and are enjoying what folks generally call the Golden Years. After Sue's surgery in March and Fred's bout with the scalpel in May, they are settling down to what will hopefully be years of relaxation, reading, fishing, relaxation, reading, fishing, etc., etc.

In June they attended a reunion in Jacksonville of Fred's first Navy squadron. Sue says that everyone has aged in that group except for her! Fred has a photo that proves differently.

They are planning a trip in September, 1999 to visit brother Joe and family as he prepares to wind up 36 years of ministry.

Holt Service Company, Inc. Changes Hands 1999
Holt Service Company, Inc. merged with R.S. Andrews Enterprises, Inc. of Atlanta on January 31, 1999 after almost 43 years of family ownerwhip. Ralph W. Holt, who began the business in 1956, died in January, 1993.

Steve Watson Relocates to Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1998
Steve and Cathy Watson have moved to Tuscaloosa where Steve has accepted a position with Michelin Tire. Cathy is director of a preschool program there.

Berit Soli-Holt To Graduate June 12, 1998
For the past two years Berit has attended the Minnesota Center for Arts Education High School in Golden Valley, Minnesota. She plans to continue her education in the arts and has applied to schools in the east. We wish you much success, Berit!

Karen Soli-Holt to Receive Degree June 8, 1998
Karen is in the last stages of her Doctor of Ministry in Preaching work. In March she received preliminary approval on her thesis, "Making the Connection: Becoming a Better Preacher by Listening to the Listener." She has been in an ecumenical program in Chicago for the past three years and will receive her degree on June 8 from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. Orals for this degree are scheduled for April 28. In addition, she was recently elected to the ELCA Church Council in Chicago. All this, and she still continues to serve Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Virginia as Senior Pastor.We're proud of you, Karen!

Stevan Holt To Perform in Europe in May 1998
"Soulflower," an alternative rock band formed by Stevan in Maui was spotted recently by a German music agent and booked for performances in Europe. That's not all, the band has recorded their first CD, so get out there and buy a copy! Way to go, Stevan!

Career Moves 1998

Eric Holt is now a dispatcher with Union Pacific Railroad.

Don Adams has moved from Triple A Service Company to Climate Control.

Ricky Brannan and Steven Watson will be leaving the Navy this summer and entering civilian life.

Ralph Watson is now with McKinney & Silver in Raleigh, North Carolina

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