OPEN: Every weekday
Basic Support
Encouragement, telephone, bathrooms, showers, laundry, safety, food, donated clothing and
personal items. A hot meal is served every weekday.
AssistanceJob hunting assistance and career planning is offered weekly. Tutoring is available several times a week.Informal workshops are offered on peer counseling, anger management, AIDS information and prevention.
Parent SupportParents are always welcome at HOME and frequently meet with counselors there. Weekly discussion groups are offered for parents of teens.
Neutral Meeting PlaceHOME provides a supportive, neutral environment for youth, their friends and families.
Respondomatic: Please, use our quick and easy comment form
![]() THE BIKE SHOP another creation of the webmaster.
HOME YOUTH AND RESOURCE CENTER![]() H.O.M.E. Youth and Resource Centeris a combined day shelter and drop-in center for non-adjudicated homeless and at-high-risk youth. We provide food (lunch, dinner, and snacks), showers, laundry facilities, clothing, hygiene items, phone, individual assistance, GED programs (in conjunction with The Downtown Learning Center), a place to hang out, computers, TV, support groups,ESL, Lifeskills groups, young women support group and help with employment & Job Search.
Our Mission Statement:To provide a safe and supportive environment where homeless or at-risk youths will have their immediate needs addressed and where they will have access to resources which will help them develop the life skills necessary to become a responsible and productive community member.
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![]() ![]() ![]() $ How You Can Help $HOME is a tax-exempt, non-profit community service corporation. We depend upon, and encourage volunteers and donations of time, services and financial support. Please call 503-391-6428 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-391-6428 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to help us help Salem's at-risk Youth. Especially needed are donations of food, clothing, household supplies, and professional services. Ask us how you can help. Give a little - Get a lot.
LINKS TO MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HOMEThe People: Those who help us put it all together and keep it goingNews Letter: Our news letter Links, Resources and More: Events and Activities page: Any special HOME happenings Map: Here is how to get to HOME Click here to visitYouth Tree USA