How can you possibly afford a college education?!?

Speaking from experience I can tell you that the cost of a college education is astronomical. Unless one comes from a family that includes at least one millionaire it's damn near impossible.

However there are billions of dollars awarded each year in the forms of grants, scholarships, fellowships, and student loans.

Millions of dollars annually goes unawarded. Why is that you ask, its because people have no resources to locate all of the awards they may qualify for.

Being a college student myself (enrolled in SUNY Oneonta in Oneonta, NY), I have searched and searched for avenues that may lead me to some of these financial resources.

The world wide web has proved to be very benificial to me in my search. By using the web I have located a few search tools that point the user in the right direction for obtaining awards.

Some of these tools even set up and maintain a mailbox for the user in which awards the user qualifies for are stored until the user logs on and checks his/her box.

Follow the links below if you require assistance in obtaining adequate funds for financing your college education.

As most of these sites are free please make sure to click the advertisers banners on the sites of the tools so that they will be able to afford continuing their services.

Good luck with your search. I wish you success in both this search and your endeavors in school.

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Drop me a line if you find this page useful or if you know of anyother financial assistance tools that should be here.

Click below to find financial assistance for your college education

ExPAN Scholarship Search:
FinAid - The Financial Aid Info Page:
Info and Assistance from the US government:
SRN Express Profile Information:
HORK's homepage: please click here and check out the rest of my site.

Send your comments, suggestions, and/or other links you would like to see on this page to me. Just click the icon to email me.

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