"It cant Rain all the Time"
Last Updated: 12-11-00

New biography page added, plus a page with quotes from others about Brandon. Currently working on jazzing up the page a bit.

Not very often does a person come along that seems to touch so many peoples hearts. Brandon was one of those few. A real diamond. Brandon was a caring person with so much charisma and so much potential. It was a real tragedy that he was taken from us when he had so much more left to do in this world. Although he lived a very short life, he accomplished so much, and reached so many people. This page is just my own way of honoring his memory. Gone, but never forgotten, you are truely missed Brandon Lee.

"Paul Bowte's Sheltering Sky"

"Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? Some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't conceive of your life with out it. Perhaps four or five times more. Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless."                    Brandon Lee

"The Key to Immortality is First Living a Life Worth Remembering"