Join the Monkey Club!

Hi! I'm Spanky, vice president of the Monkey Club. The president of the Monkey Club is Shi-Thead. Of course, those aren't our real names. Those are just our monkey names. If you join the Monkey Club you can get a special monkey name, too! To join, just email me below (click on the monkey picture at the bottom of the page). Include your name, email, description of yourself ( personality, what you like to do, etc.), and why you want to be in the Monkey Club. Trust me, this club is the greatest! Please join.

Chunky   Munky

You may be wondering about that little monkey picture up above. Do you wonder why it has CM on it's shirt. Well, his name is Chunky Munky. He's Ben and Jerry's mascot for Chunky Munky Ice Cream. If you want to go to the Chunky Munky website, click on it's link below!

Chunky Munky's Website:
The Monkey Club Page: