Plant Source Listing Requests
LISTING CRITERIA: Our editors use specific guidelines in determining what plants can be listed. These include our criteria for determining what a "new plant" is and when we also include useful information on rare or less common taxa in the public interest.

EXPEDITED LISTING: Members of the New Ornamentals Society receive immediate review of their websites and/or catalogs submitted to the NOS Office. Source listings are free of charge in both the NEW PLANT PAGE and the large NEW ORNAMENTALS DATABASE subject to the approval of our editors. Most member source submissions are processed in 2-7 days and appear on the appropriate pages at that time. Membership Information.

GENERAL LISTING: Due to the large number of requests for source listings received from dozens of countries, we can no longer accept unsolicited listing requests from non-members. As there are literally hundreds of online firms offering new plants, it is impossible for us to list all or many of them. Listings are now drawn from the member submissions, research partners, and editor picks. Unlike many source guides which rely on sales of CD-ROMS, a bound edition, or online access fees, the NEW PLANT PAGE is free to the public and requires the support of active members and sponsors. We very much appreciate your ongoing assistance in making this source guide one of the leading destinations for gardeners and plant collectors around the world.

FEATUED LISTING: Corporate or sponsoring members at specific levels of support receive premiere placement including FEATUED PLANT, FEATURED SITE, corporate logos, online images, highlighted contact info, and other publicity tools. With over 325,000 annual visitors to our NOS horticultural sites, a featured listing is an ideal, cost effective way to reach a ready, narrow target audience for your new plant. Membership Information.