Results to Poll #13

1) Do you think Carly will reveal the truth about being Bobbie's daughter?

Yes 68%
No 32%

2) Do you think Sonny will take his wedding ring off soon?

Yes 100%

3) Who do you think would be the best match for Stefan, romantically?

Bobbie 40%
Laura 29%
Katherine 25%
Carly 3%
Don't Know 3%

4) If Bobbie and Stefan were to get "involved", how long do you think it will take?

Soon 43%
1-2m 43%
never 8%
3-4m 3%
No Answer 3%

5) Do you think that Luke is justified in his animosity towards Stefan & Nikolas?

No 54%
Yes 46%

6) Do you think Justus will tell Laura the "secret" about Damian's death?

No 68%
Yes 32%