Results to Poll #14

1) Do you think that Mac will resign as Police Commissioner?

Yes 84%
No 16%

2) If Mac resigns, do you think he and Katherine will break up as a result?

Yes 84%
No 16%

3) Do you think that Tony will try to work things out with Bobbie?

No 69%
Yes 31%

4) Ok, we all know that Sonny is bringing "Miranda" back with him to J&B's "wedding". And granted Brenda is going to be very mad at Sonny for ruining her day, but how long do you think it will take for her to forgive him and understand that he did it for her?

Not Long 47%
1-2m 38%
2-3m 13%
4-5m 2%

5) Do you think that S&B truly belong together?

Yes 100% (Of course!!!!!!)