S&B Online Poll #2 Results

1) How long until Tony finds out about Bobbie having a daughter?

30% 1 month
25% 2 months
10% 2 weeks
8% 5 weeks
7% 3 months
5% Soon
3% Nov. Sweeps
3% don't know
3% 1 Week
2% few months
1% few weeks
1% 1 year
1% Feb Sweeps
1% 6 months

2) Do you believe that Carly is Bobbie's daughter?

83% Yes
16% No
1% No Answer

3) Do you think Carly will be successful in seducing Tony?

63% Yes
36% No
1% No Answer

4) Who do you think the next Chief Of Staff at GH will be?

54% Alan
18% Monica
6% Tony
6% Don't Care
3% Dorkman
2% Kevin
2% Tom
2% Alan or Monica
1% Alan & Monica
1% Alan & Jax
1% Stefan
1% Carly
1% Monica or Tony
1% No answer
1% Dont care

5) Do you think a relationship will develop between Bobbie and Stefan?

56% No
44% Yes

6) Do you think Jax is in some way involved with Julia?

56% No
44% Yes

7) Do you think that Alan and Monica will reunite?

89% Yes
10% No
1% No answer

8) How long do you think it will be before Keesha finds out the truth about Jason's accident (that AJ was driving)?

15% 2 months
15% 6 months
13% never
11% 3 months
9% hopefully soon
7% no answer
7% nov sweeps
4% dont know
3% few months
3% 1 year
2% When Jason regains memory(Note: He already knows AJ was driving!)
2% 4 months
2% 1 month
1% long time
1% 2 weeks
1% few weeks
1% christmas
1% when AJ proposes to her
1% she knows (Note: No she does not)
1% TPTB forgot storyline!

Thanks to everyone who responded!!!!!
