Results toPoll #24

1) Ok, we all saw the end of Friday's show, (01-10-97). Do you think that Brenda is going to be able to stay away from Sonny?

No 97%
yes 3%

2) When do you think we can expect an S&B reunion?

Not Soon Enough 37%
Really Soon 27%
1-2 Months 27%
2-3 Months 8%
By Summertime 1%

3) Who do you think is going to be the one to spill the beans about Carly being Bobbie's daughter?

Carly 39%
Luke 36%
Stefan 10%
Tony 6%
Virginia Benson 3%
Don't Know 3%
Tom 1%
PI Bobbie Hired 1%
Justus 1%

4) On a personal note, I, Tracy, your loyal Poll Keeper, am off to have baby #2, do you think I will have a boy or a girl??

Boy 61%
Girl 39%

[Tracy had a boy :-)]

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