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Horsin' Around

Lil Rio, Summer 1998. Rio has figured out a way to excercise herself...or does she think she's back on the racetrack?
Lil Rio, Fall 1998. Rio enjoys playing and kicking up her heels as these next few pictures show. First you need to run around the field several times...
...while bucking...
...and then perform a sliding stop inches from the fence, prior to the quick turn and galloping again.
Lil Rio, Winter 97/98. This is another way to start your excercise session. It goes something like....stop...drop...roll...stand & buck (all one step, of course)...gallop...repeat on other side and direction.
Lil Rio, Summer 1998. Rio likes geometry...she has figured out that the height of the triangle gets smaller as the top angle gets bigger...or maybe she just needs to be able to get closer to that green stuff...LOL!
Lil Rio, Winter 98/99. Mom, what are you doing? I want back in to my nice warm stall. This white stuff has made the ground hard and I just can't dig up any grass! (Rio was born in Louisianna and this was her second winter in the North and her first winter being turned out in the snow.)
Lil Rio, Summer 1999. Rio's living quarters. Yes, mom is wrapped around her little finger (she's always got a variety of treats on hand).