Love & Country

Mission Summary:   To expose Nikolai Markali involvement with Badenheim

Mission Anomalies:    1.  Operations admittance that the target's wife
                                            was married to him first.

                                   2.   Nikita's refusal to seduce Nikolai Markali.

Adversaries:   Venito Caspi, Badenheim, Nikolai Markali

Mission End Game:    Nikolai Markali shot by his wife Corrine.

Psychological impact:


Nikita's need to believe in what she is a part of came through during this mission.  Her inability to seduce Nikolai Markali was a direct response to her belief that Operations was using this man to get back at his ex-wife.  Although she did play her part in pushing Corrine to believe that she and Nikola were having an affair, Nikita's response to Michael when leaving Section clearly shows that she was still having second thoughts.


Although Michael's part in this mission was small, it was pivotal in bring about Section's end-game.  One of the more intriguing reactions on Michael's part was when Corrine asked my if he was cheating on his wife.  Was he thinking about Simone, Elana, or Nikita?  The other reaction of Michael's that this observer found interesting was when he was informing Nikita that Nikolai Markali was dirty.  It sounded like he was trying to convince himself than Nikita.

Michael and Nikita's Bond:

Other than Michael's statement to Nikita at the end of the mission (which can be seen as an attempt on his part to soothe her conscience), Michael and Nikita's interaction was nonexistent.


1.    Continued surveillance on Michael and Nikita.

Lady Aeval

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