Definition: Section One

Section One is the most world's covert anti-terrorist organization.  Few in government know of its existence.  The source of its funding, organizational hierarchy, and ruling body is unknown.

Section One's  Mandate

Section's mandate is to eradicate terrorists and criminals that escape ordinary law enforcement organizations.  In some cases, the targets are green listed so that they can provide intel on others.  Modeled on the military, it uses whatever means necessary to obtain its objectives.

Section One Recruits

Section's recruits are, for the most part, felons who under the guise of committing suicide are taken from prisons and give a choice - join or die.  There are some in Section that have been recruited from the military or have been "persuaded" to join.

Life Within Section

For those in Section, there is no life beyond that which is given to them.  After training is completed, operatives are given a place to live, an identity, and everything that they will need to function in society.  Operatives are expect to answer immediately when they get the call to come in.  Relationships with those on the outside are not forbidden, but not encouraged.  Relationships between operatives is not condoned.

Morals and Ethics

The moral and ethical code that ordinary people live by do not exist in Section.  Operatives are expected to do whatever it takes - including sacrificing their life - to achieve the mission end-game.

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