Harm Ye None

Dookie Hack
- The Yahoo! Crackers' Homepage

Hate Not

Posts You Should View:

    2 - What to Say for Inviting
    3 - information
  10 - The Serious Singles
  23 - A sad tale of untended banishment...
  36 - More Info
  38 - Re: More Info
  44 - Re: More Info
  45 - Re: More Info
  46 - My experience/suggestions.
  49 - Re: Didn't I...
  53 - Not stictly on topic but.....
  57 - Re: information (hacked)
  58 - Re: I just joined...
 *59 - Hackers
 *74 - Some random thoughts...
  79 - dookiehack
  94 - Hacking
 104 - our hackers have expanded
 125 - Antihacking
 126 - Yahoo
 137 - Re: Is that it??????
*138 - My Letter To Yahoo! Abuse
*139 - Re: My Letter To Yahoo! Abuse II
*140 - Re: My Letter To Yahoo! Abuse III
*141 - Re: My Letter To Yahoo! Abuse IV
*142 - Re: My Letter To Yahoo! Abuse V
*156 - Our chat with a Lamer I
*157 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer II
*158 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer III
*159 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer IV
*160 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer V
*161 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer VI
*162 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer VII
*163 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer VIII
*164 - Re: Our chat with a Lamer IX
*165 - What can we do to help ourselves?
*166 - Re: What can we do to help ourselves?
*170 - Note:
 173 - I am passing this on:
 175 - Re: I am passing this on
*177 - Important: Email Hack revealed
 178 - Excerpts
*191 - Password stealing virus is going around!
 192 - Hackers VS. Crackers
*197 - **WARNING**
 207 - Re: Password stealing virus is going aro
 212 - Re: **WARNING**

Forward any hack emails to abuse@yahoo-inc.com immediately
Yahoo! ClubsThe Anti Cracking/Laming Club

We Are Not Censoring You

This club is organized by Yahoo members who have been cracked or want to help stop it. We are also here to educate you on how to avoid being hacked. Before February 7, 2000 this club was going to send mass email to Yahoo! about cracking. Since they've now been hacked Yahoo will probably listen better to us individually. Feel free to email them. This club will send mass email if needed.
This clubs is not here to protest normal hackers.

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

Message #192
Hackers VS. Crackers
2/12/00 11:29 am

Hackers: People who find the smallest little holes in security systems and make a soft ware to protect these holes.

Crackers: People who find the smallest little holes in secuity systems and try to make them bigger or break through them and destroy the whole system.

The Winner: Hackers are good people

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

Message 59
1/21/00 6:32 pm

The hacker creed:

Knowledge (and thus, information) should be free and available to anyone who wants to learn. Note that software can be considered knowledge, because it is really a way to encoding the knowledge of how to make a computer do something usefull.

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

To The Hackers:

The Anti Hacking(Cracking/Laming) club was poorly named, on behalf of the founder, I am sorry. This club is not trying to delete the hacking category of Yahoo! Clubs. The Founder know's that all hacking clubs would just find other categories. This club is not here to give hackers a bad name. In most cases, supportive posts are posted about hackers. It is the crackers and "lamers" that this club is against. Members of this club believe that what is theirs is theirs. This means that when something has a password they do not wish to share it. Only people who know the password are allowed to edit or change these things. This is the entire point of a password. Members of this club will not tolerate someone who retrieves their password to gain access to their property. And it seriously angers these members when this person changes things, ruins hard work, and deletes things.
Examples would be our Yahoo! Clubs, our Geocites homepages, and our computers. These things belong to us and we are not hiding them from anyone, we are keeping these things secure.
Think of it this way if you do not understand: Would you leave your home unlocked, doors open, red lights flashing, screaming "All burglers, right this way!"? I did not think so. Why not? Because you do not want your things taken, broken, or altered. This is just how we feel about our Yahoo! Id's.

This club is not spreading a message of hate towards hackers but one towards crackres and lamers. As another hacker said, these people are the ones giving regular hackers the bad name(s).
So, to all you hackers out there, the founders and members of this club do not hate you and have nothing against normal acts of hacking. In fact, I'm sure that most of us admire you all.
Another thing to note: The_Questess has even participated in some minor hacks herself. Examples are changing minor things within programs, javascrips, java applets, and her Wahoo! site.

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

To Members and Hackers

This is not a debate club. If you want one of those then go make one. This club is here (as the sub-title and the founder's message say) to help end yahoo cracking and protect ourselves from it. We are educating one another on the most recent cracks and how to protect ourselves from them. We are also here to notify yahoo of these things.
Accepeted and not accepted posts: One argumentative answer from each person to another's post is allowed but if something is to become a blown out debate it is at my discression to delete it or not.
Blatant threats to hack the club will be deleted at the founder's discression.
Posts off of subject that are older than one week and/or are 20 messages from the most recent post may be deleted, please take no offense. The founder's often delete their own posts at this same time. This is done to keep a focused archive of this club's discoveries and help. Feel free to post slighty off topic but just be perpared to have it deleted in the future.

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

Thank you!

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

Contact information:

    The_Questess, thequestess

    E-mail: thequestess@icqmail.com

    Yahoo Messenger: The_Questess

    AIM: Questess1


    Yahoo Messenger: wildefyrekat

Feel free to contact the founders if you have anything to say. Please keep it appropriate as we will otherwise block your address and/or Yahoo! ID. All hopes of serious communication will then be lost.

A Pretty Flower To Make You Feel Better?

Thank you for understanding and for abididing to these pesky rules.