Exploring space and seeking out new life requires an enormous amount of information to be available at all times. The computer database contains extensive knowledge about the cultures and languages of the Federation, and the customs of every known world. The computer also makes all the calculations needed for space travel, ensures communications, with use of the universal translator, and targets all weaponry systems, to name but a few.

Located on decks 2 and 3 is the Computer core. All control panels and terminals within the Highlander are linked either to subprocessor or directly into the optical data network ( ODN ). Crew interface with the main computer is provided by the Library Computer Access and Retrieval System software, usually abbreviated to LCARS. LCARS allows instructions to be provided by keyboard input or verbal instruction, ensuring ease of use.

Via the ODN, which connects the computer cores to the main bridge and other key systems, all major operating systems are linked together, including Main Engineering, the warp and impulse drive systems, the main bridge, tactical systems and sensor arrays. This allows any function of the ship to be carried out from any console.