No   Comment...

	In this dream, I am asleep, or, at least, I appear to be asleep.
I'm lying on the floor of a warehouse. The only light is a spotlight
of white light focused on me; the rest of the room is dark as pitch.
My eyes are closed, but I can see clearly through my eyelids. No one
could tell I'm really awake.
	For some reason I can't move, except to breathe and stuff like that.
I can't open my eyes or speak. All I can do is breathe. I'm lying on my
left side, slightly curled up.
	I look to the light and see Anthony Kiedis and Taylor Hawkins standing
over me, talking about how I won't wake up. I wanna tell them I can't 
move, but that's impossible.
	Anthony gets this evil look on his face and says, "I bet I can wake 
her up." Then he kneels down next to me and licks my leg, starting near
my ankle and ending up past my knee. (and, btw, I'm wearing shorts in this
	I'm thinking "Dammit, guys, I'm awake! Dammit, stop that! ACK!" But I
can't say anything because I can't move, and I'm freaking out inside my
head, but noooooo, I can't say anyhting because my poor brain isn't working

::sigh:: nevermind.

A   Message   in   a   Dream...

	I was at the Grand Canyon, wearing the usual. Band shirt, jeans, and
lots of necklaces, including the necklace I kept my boyfriend's ring on. 
	Suddenly, a huge bear, or a huge guy, I forget, comes up behind me and he's going to
kill me. I'm terrified. I have to make a decision. Jump over the rim and
commit suicide, or let myself be killed by this guy/bear, which might be
much more painful.
	I choose to jump. As I'm falling, I try to take a look at the beautiful
scenery of the Canyon. All the gorgeous reds and yellows of the canyon walls.
(It's sunset) And the magestic wildlife(like hawks and eagles). But, I can't
see because the ring my bf gave me is flying up and smacking me in the face.
I'm getting really pissed off, since I'm going to die, and his ring is getting
in my way of seeing real beauty.
	I tear the necklace off and die, admiring mother nature's beautiful creation
as I plummet towards the rocky bottom of the canyon.
	All in all, a very symbolic dream. In real life, I was very unhappy
with my bf, and this dream told me I should leave him and seek happiness
in singleness.

A few days later- in real life- I broke up with the boyfriend in question.

Hole   And   Trent

	In this dream, I go to a Hole concert. It's in a tent, the kind you'd
see at a church picnic or some gathering like that. The people are sitting
in folding wooden chairs, sitting on the ground, or standing.
	The crowd is relatively small, since no one knew Hole was going to be
here- wherever "here" is- and no one is telling anyone else about it. The
tent is in a secluded back yard of some large building, maybe even a church,
but I don't think Hole would play at a church.
	I notice someone leaning up against one of the tent's support poles. I
kinda recognize the guy, like I've seen him before, only he's got a different
haircut, so he looks completely different, you know?
	I realize it's Trent(Reznor), and he's got a really short haircut. I'm
thinking, "Wow. It's Trent! I better get him to see Jojy..."(Jojy is my friend
who is the most obsessed Trent fan in the universe.)
	So I work up the courage to talk to Trent, take a few photos with him
and try to get him to come see Jojy with me. I think I did get him to come
with me, because I remember showing him to Haushinka, and I forgot if we ever
got to Jojy or not...

Dave   Grohl

	I'm at a restaurant with Joanna, Haushinka and Dawn, three of my best
friends. It's kind of dimly lit, and the room is large, but I can't see
most of the other tables, except for one table across the aisle from ours.
	At that table is a newly wed couple, and they're extremely happy for
some reason, more happy than they should be. They seem to be expecting
someone. I wonder who.
	Then someone walks up to their table and starts singing a song.
	The someone is Dave Grohl, and he's singing "Big Me" a cappella.
	I'm just shocked and amazed, and so are 'Shinka and Jojy. I don't
know how Dawn felt because she seemed preoccupied with something.The rest 
of the dream is about me, 'Shinka and Jojy trying to figure out how to 
get Dave's attention.

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