
The Hornbill is the National Symbol of Sarawak. They can be found in the tropical and subtropical forests, and rule the pavilion of Sarawak's rainforests. The Hornbill got its name because of its extremely large bill. A Horbill's bill can range from 2-5 feet in length. The diet of a Hornbill includes fruits, berries, insects, and other small animals. They are also known for their variety of loud calls and the way they build their nests. First, the female searches for a hole high in the pavilion's high trees to make a nest. Then, she gets in the hole and covers the hole in mud, chewed food, and bird droppings. After she has done this, there will only be enough room in the hole for a male hornbill's beak. After that, the male will feed her through this hole for 6-12 weeks while she incubates her eggs. Because of the way the hornbill builds its nest, the eggs and/or babies will be safe from snakes and monkeys. While the babies continue to grow, the mother will break open the hole, piece by piece, to get out and get food for herself and the young. Among Sarawak,s natives, the hornbill is a symbol of purity. Also, the natives will use them or a representation of them in religous rituals. The Hornbill is a threatened and protected species, and can be found in most wildlife rehabilitation centers all over the world.


The Bushmaster is found in Tropical Latin America. It is a very venomous snake, and is the largest member of the viper family of the Americas. It has brown and green scales, and has a triangular pattern on its body. When it is angry, it vibrates its tail rapidly, but doesn't have a rattle, such as one of its family members: the Rattlesnake.

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