Ah, Holy Jesus

    Ah, holy Jesus,how hast thou offended?
   That man to judge thee hath in hate pretended?
   By foes derided, by thine own rejected
   O most afflicted

   Who was the guilty?
   Who brought this upon thee?
   Alas, my treason, Jesus hath undone thee!
   'Twas I, Lord Jesus,I it was denied thee
   I crucified thee

   Lo,the Good Shepherd for his sheep is offered;
   Thy slave hath sinned, and the Son hath suffered
   For man's attonement, while he nothing heedeth
   God interceedth.

   For me, kind Jesus, was thy incarnation;
   Thy mortal  sorrow, thy life's obligation;
   Thy death of anguish and thy bitter passion,
   For my salvation

   Therefore, kind Jesus, since I cannot pay thee,
   I do adore thee, and will ever pray thee,
   Think on thy pity and thy love unswerving,
   Not my deserving.

Johann Heermann 1585-1647
translated by Robert S. Bridges 1844-1930
A Little information on this picture.

     The picture that is on this page, was sent to me from Melody
     Warren,while visiting her page I was struck by this picture.
     A very dear friend of hers, Lucy Bittner gave it to her.
     When I asked permission to use it to my disbelief Melody told
     me that it was a gift to her,a gift from God, and therefore a
     a gift to me,and I was free to use it.
I consulted with Melody on the verse that should be placed with this picture and both Melody and I agreed that this was the verse for the picture. It was a choice of two.
A special thanks to Melody.Please visit her page at YESHUA MESSIAH Check out "The Garden" where you will find Melody's Poetry. Here is a little bit of history on the picture. Maybe you can help. The original - which Lucy has - was painted on green cloth and is dated 1630. It was rolled and given to her from a Catholic widow whose daughter is a nun. On the cloth are also these words: Imprimatum 16. X 30. + georgius Eppus Curiensis If anyone out there knows Latin Melody would be very grateful if you would email her the translation.
To email Melody
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