Horse Crazy WebRing
Welcome to the HoofBeat WebRing! This webring hosts a collection of
horse links by and for the extremely horse crazy!! Find great horse
sites with a click of the mouse! If you join this webring, you'll get
that, and the your page will be hit by more people! To join the ring,
click here. Your site must have something to do with horses, or be all
about horses, or be by a horse, it really doesn't matter! But, your
page must not have any adult content, violence or racism in it. If it
does, I will DEFINATELY not accept it.
What do I do AFTER I submit the form?
Sit back and wait for the immediate email confirming your registration!
When you get it, you will have to insert the necessary code into your
page. It is this code and graphics that make the whole thing work, so
it is MOST important that you have replace the word yourID with your
own ID number that was given to you when you joined. You need to do
this in six places within the html fragment. You will also need to
change the "YOUR _ADDRESS" and "YOUR _NAME" tags to your own. Once
your code is in place and the graphic images are uploaded to your
server email me telling me that you have put the html fragment
correctly on your page. Don't forget to include your URL in the email.
I will visit your page, and if the code is placed correctly in it,
your site will become an active site!! Oh, and cut between the lines
So far, The Horse Crazy Web Ring has been visited