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Piglet's   Bio

Description: A very small and timid pink pig,
about 10 inches tall. Likes to wear a
long striped shirt.

Address: Trespassers Will, 100 Aker Wood Southwest,
In a Beech Tree, South of Pooh's House

Best Friend: Winnie-the-Pooh

Favorite Food: Haycorns

Favorite Things to Do: Adventures with Pooh

Other Favorite Things: Likes bright colors & balloons.

Details About His Address: Next to Piglet's house
is a piece of broken board which reads: "Trespassers W".

What "Trespassers W" Stands For: Piglet says this was
his grandfather's name, and it was short for "Trespassers
Will", which was short for "Trespassers William".

What the Sign Said, Before it Broke:
"Trespassers Will Be Shot"