Modern Language Association: provides user with information about documentation in papers and much more.

Works Cited

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          Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1952.

Alexian Brothers. "Alexian Brothers Occupational Health Clinics." 
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Ballenger, Cass. "Introduction of Legislation to Protect Voluntary Safety and Health
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Bartlett, John. Familiar Quotations. Garden City, New York: Garden City Publishing,

Boyle, T. Coraghessan. The Road to Wellville. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc.,

Bunton, Robin. The Sociology of Health Promotion. New York: Routledge, 1995

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Cooper, Cary. Creating Health Work Organizations. Chichester, England: J. Wiley and
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Houchens, Dennis. Personal interview. 22 March 1998

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         Human Kinetics Publishing, 1994.

Pelletier, Kenneth. Healthy People in Unhealthy Places. New York: Dell Publishing
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Annotated List of Complete Works


The novel Once a Runner, by John L. Parker, helps the reader understand the limits of exercise participation by the common employee. The main character, Quenton Cassidy, is a top college runner whose life involves around running four laps around a track. He is totally dedicated and says no compromise exists with running. The common American worker is quite the opposite and has other priorities in life such as family, their job, and leisure activities. The problem for the average man or woman is to make time for health-related activities.


The internet site of the Association for Worksite Health Promotion offers many reasons why occupational health promotion is beneficial to an organization. The site gives enormous amount of statistics and facts relating to worksite health promotion. The site also offers membership applications to the Association for Worksite Health Promotion for health professionals.

The internet site of the World Health Organization describes different health situations around the world. The organization believes health is a fundamental human right. The organization’s statements and beliefs have become the foundation of many present day health principles.


A presentation by Christopher Costlow, director of marketing for the National Institute of Fitness and Sport, at Zionsville Community High School’s career day gave insight to the role health professionals play in improving society’s health. He spoke of health professionals’ goals and problems he faces on an everyday basis.