The House of the Mountain Bridge was Founded during the reign of Corin II (1985 c.e.) as a service oriented household.
The House later changed their focus to being a service and arts and sciences oriented household since many of the members were deeply involved with the arts and sciences as well.
House of the Mountain Bridge was the first household to receive the Award of the Purple Fretty from the generous hand of Elihau II (1988 c.e.) for their charity work in the local community and for service to the Midrealm.
House of the Mountain Bridge has provided free lunch at the Barony of Rivenstar's Spring Event since the reign of Alen II. (1986 c.e.) Because of the deep regard the House of the Mountain Bridge has for the Barony of Rivenstar and it's Baron and Baroness. House of the Mountain Bridge were made honorary members of the Barony of Rivenstar and were created Friends of the Rivenstar by His Grace Duke Master Moonwulf Starkaadersson and Her Excellency Countess Takaya Merleone, Baron and Baroness Rivenstar. this took place during the reign of David and Tangwysatal (1991 c.e.).
House of the Mountain Bridge has members that haved served their Kingdoms as Local, Regional and Kingdom officers and as autocrat of the Pennsic War. The House actively supports many local and national charities. Since our lives have been so greatly enriched by the Society, we want to give back to our communities by bringing the concepts of chivalry and honor into the modern world.