Well this is the bios of the Road Rovers .Those super-hero hounds er dogs

Hunter : He's the leader of the pack .A mixed Retriever hailing from the good ol' U.S.A. His power is mainly super-speed .Sometimes can be clueless . But he is very loyal to the pack .And kinda likes Colleen .

Colleen : A female Collie from England .She is the only female in the Rovers and is super-cunning and has super-agility .To put it more specifically :She can use karate and kick baddy butts !And she is known for her bashing Blitz and calling him Fluffy .

Exile : Male Husky from Russia .His powers are super-strength and eyesight .He can use his deep blue eyes to freeze people , shoot heat rays or use them as night vision .He loves his comrades very much and is loyal and calls Blitz a weirdboy .

Blitz: Doberman from Germany who loves to bite tushies .Super claws and super-teeth are his powers .ALso likes peppermint milkshakes .He would like to get to know Colleen better if she remembered his name .And dislikes being called a "weirdboy"

Shag: Shag is a Sheepdog from Switzerland who is supposed to have super-bravery .He is the most dog-like of the Rovers and speaks in "rahs" and "ruffs" .He does have super-cowardliness and super-strength though .

Muzzle :A male Rottweiler who is nutso , sicko and just plain crazy .He is not a cano-sapien but has a past that leads to the Master .That's right :Scout , the Master's dog , is Muzzle .

Rover pics

Blitz: Picture of Blitz