Assorted Movie Wavs


37dicks.wav: If you've seen Clerks, then you know what it is
37guys.wav: Every time I kiss you I'm gonna taste 36 other guys
casket.wav: You knocked the casket over for chrissakes!! Another Clerks classic
shark.wav: Dnna....dnna...salsa shark...
shark1.wav: Man goes into cage...cage goes into salsa...shark's in the salsa...our shark

Austin Powers

1million.wav: We hold the world ransom for...1 million dollars!
alotta.wav: Her name is Alotta...Alotta Fagina
oring.wav: Hey buddy, don't force it, you're gonna drop a lung...


hahahaha.wav: Freaky
ugly.wav: You are one...ugly...motherfucker (Kerian, this one's for you)