You Have Found The
Professional Impersonators
Webring Homepage

This Professional Impersonators Web Ring
site is owned by
Renni (Ring Manager) JOIN The Professional Impersonators Web Ring [Skip Prev] [Prev] [Next] [Skip Next] [Random] [Next 5] [List Sites]
If you have a webpage featuring a celebrity impersonator, look-a-like, or a female impersonator who happens to be a professional entertainer, then this ring is for you. Simply complete the following steps required for membership and soon you too will be among the members of The Professional Impersonators Web Ring!
Step #1: Please complete the registration form.
Step #2: Place the code for The Professional Impersonators Web Ring on your page. Simply "copy and paste" the following HTML code into your document, making the following substitutions. You must make these substitutions carefully and correctly in order for your code and the ring loop to work.
Replace YOUREMAILHERE with your email address.
Replace YOURNAMEHERE with your name.
Replace YOURIDHERE with the Webring ID number you were given when you registered. Careful! Be sure to replace each and every YOURIDHERE with your own personal Webring Site ID number.
Replace YOURURLHERE with the URL address of your webpage.

<!-- BEGIN The Professional Impersonators Web Ring HTML code --> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=6 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR="#ff0080"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" COLSPAN=1 ROWSPAN=1> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="http://YOURURLHERE/ring.jpg" HEIGHT=130 WIDTH=100 ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0></A> <A HREF=""> This <A HREF="" target="_top">Professional Impersonators Web Ring</A><br> site is owned by </FONT> <FONT SIZE=3> <A HREF="mailto:YOUREMAILHERE">YOURNAMEHERE</A></FONT> <FONT SIZE=3> <A HREF="" target="_top">JOIN</a> The Professional Impersonators Web Ring <BR> <B>[<A HREF="" target="_top">Skip Prev</A>] [<A HREF="" target="_top">Prev</A>] [<A HREF="" target="_top">Next</A>] [<A HREF="" target="_top">Skip Next</A>] [<A HREF="" target="_top">Random</A>] [<A HREF="" target="_top">Next 5</A>] [<A HREF="" target="_top">List Sites</A>]<BR> </TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></CENTER></FONT></FONT> <!-- END The Professional Impersonators Web Ring HTML code -->

Step #3: Upload The Professional Impersonator Web Ring images to your webpage's server. Image= "ring.jpg". This image is at the top of this page. Replace YOURURLHERE with your webpage's URL address.
Step #4: Please Notify us when you have completed all of the above steps. You will be added to The Professional Impersonators Web Ring!

Email the Ring Manager e-mail Ring Manager