(Brad Becker, John Russell, Mark Carr, Jarrod Gollihare)

**NEWS** Hey, if you are an owner of AdmiralTwin 's cd Unlucky, I have some awesome info for ya!! Ok, there is a hidden track on Unlucky, how you can hear it is...play the song Unlucky Ones, and then while it is playing, go back...(By that little rewind button thing) Ok, well, after you do that, it will show like the amount of time you are going back...like say if you play Mmmbop, or any song, it has a little counter on it! So, the counter will say -.(How many seconds). Go back A Minute and 45 seconds...so when it says -1.45, that is when you can hear the whole song! You also can do that with DaffadownDilly, and Continential Breakfast!!

    If you want to join a tottally rockin' AdmiralTwin newsletter,

    E-mail Katie

    and tell her you want to join...please tell her that you got her e-mail addy off of ITZgotME's Hanson Land (AdmiralTwin site)

    AdmiralTwin is made up of 4 guys from Tulsa, Oklahoma...just like Hanson! (except for the amount of people)

    Brad Becker- Sax, Guitar, and others

    Mark Carr- Bass Guitar

    John Russell- Lead Guitar

    Jarrod Gollihare- Drums, Acoustic Guitar

    AdmiralTwin used to be called the "MellowDramaticWallflowers", but since the band the "Wallflowers" got famous, they wanted to change their name, so it wouldn't seem like they were copying! The relesed two cd's as the "MellowDramaticWallflowers"....one is called "DaffaDownDilly", and the other is...."Continental Breakfast"...you can still order these cd's at their old page....
  • MellowDramaticWallflowers Page

    There cd "Unlucky" Rocks!! You have to get it!! Click Here to go to AdmiralTwin's Main Page....you can order "Unlucky" and a lot more on that page!!

    Phone Call #27

    (this song rocks!!)


    When I saw Hanson on August 21st, in Philly Pa....I had 7th row from the stage (Side View) We got to see Hanson and AdmiralTwin come up on stage!! It was so cool! They are so good live!

    Jarrod also wrote "Hanson-The Offical Book".....he is also a writer/photgrapher for the Offical Hanson Fan club Magazine....

    YIf you're NOT in the MOE....you can order it at

    A lot of people thought that Hanson fans, wouldn't like AdmiralTwin because their style of music is so different then Hanson's......But They were wrong!

    If you are a Hanson fan, you will probably like AdmiralTwin...most of Hanson's TRUE fans like them....but it is ok if you don't......itz all a matter of opinion!

    E-mail Me


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