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Hi, glad you stopped by to visit. My name is Ed. I've been a Baltimore County Police Officer for the past 29 years. Currently, I work out of the Public Safety Building in Towson, Maryland. Just about three years ago, I began collecting police shoulder patches. My collection has grown by leaps and bounds and now numbers over 1100 patches. I concentrate on regular police, sheriff and federal patches. I normally don't collect special unit or foreign patches because I just don't have the room to store them. If you're interested in trading, just send me an e-mail to let me know. Be sure to check out my patch trading list at the bottom of the page. I also collect the Police Series Road Champs cars. My collection has grown to 152 different cars. It all started when I bought my department's premier car. The bug bit me and I was off and running. By the way, most of my cars are displayed in two clear acrylic cases each of which hold 84 cars. They're mounted on the wall in my den. I must say, they look very impressive. Unfortunately, in the Baltimore area, the Police Series Road Champs cars are becoming increasingly more difficult to find. This is my first attempt at a web page so it probably looks pretty rough. I hope to improve on it as I gain the necessary experience(not to mention the time to put into it). Well, thanks for the visit. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please drop by again whenever you can.
Cpl. Edward Bauer ![]()
All used patches are in good condition unless otherwise noted. ALABAMA: Tuscaloosa Police - 1 - Used/Fair ARIZONA: Tucson Police (old style) - 1 - Used/Fair Tucson Police (new style) - 1 - Used University of Arizona Police - 1 - Used CALIFORNIA: San Diego City Schools Police - 1 - New CONNECTICUT: Waterbury Police - 1 - New FLORIDA: Broward County Sheriff - 2 - Used Greenacres Public Safety - 1 - Used/Fair Lakeland Police - 1 - New Lee Deputy Sheriff - 2 - Used/Fair Orange County Sheriff - 1 - Used Palm Beach County Sheriff - 2 - Used Pinellas County Sheriff - 1 - Used GEORGIA: Atlanta Police - 1 - Used Clayton County Sheriff Honor Guard - 1 - Used HAWAII: State of Hawaii Sheriff's Dept. - 1 - New KENTUCKY: Kentucky State Police - 2 - New LOUISIANA: Louisiana State Police - 1 - New New Orleans Mounted Patrol (no city name shown) - 1 - Used MARYLAND: Anne Arundel County Police - New Style - 1 - Used Anne Arundel County Police - Old Style - 1 - Used Baltimore (City) Police - 3 - Used Baltimore County Police (White) - Numerous Used Baltimore County Police (Black) - Numerous Used MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts State Police - 1 - New Newton Police - 1 - Used MICHIGAN: Dearborn Heights Communications 911 - 1 - Used Grand Rapids Police - 1 - Used MINNESOTA: Minneapolis Police - 1 - Used Olmstead County Sheriff - 1 - Used NEVADA: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police - 1 - Used NEW YORK: New York City Police - 2 - New New York-Connecticut MTA Metro-North Police - 1 - Used NORTH CAROLINA: Gastonia Police - 1 - Used Guilford County Sheriff - 2 - Used N.C. Department of Correction - 1 - Used/Fair Winston-Salem - 1 - Used/Fair NORTH DAKOTA: Bismarck Police - 1 - Used OHIO: Akron Police - 1 - Used/Excellent Deputy Sheriff - 1 - New State Highway Patrol - 1 - Used/Excellent (small triangular - may be a hat patch) Toledo Police - 2 - Used/Fair PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania State Police - 1 - Used SOUTH CAROLINA: Greenwood Police - 1 - Used Mt. Pleasant Police - 1 - Used South Carolina Highway Patrol - 1 - Used TENNESSEE: Wellmont Health System - Hospital Police - 1 - New TEXAS: County of El Paso Sheriff - 1 - Used Harris County Sheriff - 2 - Used University of Texas Police - 1 - Used VIRGINIA: Chesapeake Police - 1 - Used Fairfax County Police - 1 - Used Hampton Police - 1 - Used Radford University Police - 1 - New Richmond Police - 1 - New Rockingham County Correctional Officer - 1 - Used WASHINGTON: Everett Police - 1 - New (smaller size) King County Police - 1 - Used/Fair FEDERAL: U.S. Border Patrol - 1 - New FOREIGN: Australia Protective Service - 1 - Used LAST UPDATED: 3/29/00