By Maggie Furey

"To the city of Nexis, where Magefolk in their white-walled towers rule uneasily over a restive race of Mortals, a young girl comes to learn the magic arts. Aurian, a quicksilver swordswoman, has inherited Earth-magic from her father. Unawakened within her lie far greater powers, coveted by the Archmage Miathan, who intends to possess her. But Aurian bravely flouts the Mage's Code and takes a mortal lover."

"Maddened by rage and jealousy, the corrupt Archmage schemes to destroy her, unleashing cataclysmic forces from a lost age. Aurian is the only Mage strong enough to oppose Miathan, but to do so she must take up forbidden weapons of long-lost magic, at grave peril of her own destruction... or the annihilation of her very world."

Excerpt from back of book...




-David Gemmell

Aurian has truly fascinated me, a character so much like my own...


Purchase from

Book #1 - Aurian

Book #2 - Harp of Winds

Book #3 - Sword of Flame

Book #4 - Dhiammara

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