Black Trillium

By Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May & Andre Norton

Ruwenda is a pleasant, peaceful land - but the magic of its guardian, the Archimage Binah, is waning. Binah must pass along her protectorship to the triplet princesses of Ruwenda. She bestows upon the infant girls the power of the rare and mystical Black Trillium - badge of the royal house, symbol of an ancient magic. While the sisters blossom into beautiful young women, neighboring Labornok uses a dark magician to sunder Binah's Protections. As invaders pour into Ruwenda, the Archimage orders the princesses to flee - and charges them to search for three magical talismans, which when brought together will be thier only chance to regain their kingdom and free its people. Each must accomplish her task seperately - and to succeed, each must also confront and conquer the limits of her own soul.

Excerpt from back of book...


Chicago Sun-Times

To look through the mirror and see your own soul, to challenge the depths of your being, has to be one of the hardest tasks imaginable. Three spirits must defy their own selves to break past the facets of their own souls before they can truly unite, and as one, conquer the threat to their world and kingdom...

A truly impressionable book, highly recommended...


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