The Shadow Matrix

A Novel of Darkover

By Marion Zimmer Bradley


Margaret Alton, rightful heir of the Alton Domain, has been making a desperate effort to control her new found laran powers and to understand the obscure, potent, and frightening nature of her unique shadow matrix. However Margaret's problems are not limited to the mystical powers of the mind, for she has fallen in love wiht Mikhail Lanart-Hastur, Regent to the royal Elhalyn Domain, a man she has been forbidden to marry, for their alliance would irrevocably alter the power balance of their planet.

But when Margaret and Mikhail find themselves drawn inexorably to the shattered ruins of an ancient Tower - a Tower destroyed centuries ago - the landscape of terror which they must face will eclipse all their current strife. For a long dead Keeper awaits them in the Ages of Chaos. And in the quest set for them by this ancient shade they will face foes and challenges beyond their wildest imaginings in a battle which may not only change the entire face of their world, but could alter the future so that they no longer exist!

Excerpt from back of book...

A continuation on the novels of Darkover... This book follows Exile's Song and the life of Margaret Alton.


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