Title: The Afore Time Author: Istannor Series : TOS Part: 1/1 Rating NC I7 Code: K/S implied,lang. Summary: A response to a challenge to write a story out of the mists of time. Disclaimer: You know the rap, Paramount owns, I use on loan. The story is mine and copyrighted. Stardust Memories Again@1998 The Afore Time Who calls for a tale? You, Sacha. You are always so busy, my little one. What would you have me tell you? Not again, Sacha, I told the same tale last week. Everyone wants it? Ah, well a storyteller must listen to the whims of the listeners. Here gather round the fire, make yourselves a seat. I begin. Once woven it can not be undone, once started the tale must be run. In the Afore time, before the universe was ours, we lived one world among millions. We, to the shame of all, fought and killed for our pleasure, and ourpower. We were separate then, and called ourselves Vulcan, of the cold flames. In our pride and arrogance, we took captives and enslaved all who we saw, until the day we found the Humanei, of the world of water. It was a time of puissant magic and the terrible deeds of great warriors. We fought them with magic, and demons, and blood, and sinew. Mighty sorcerers rose and fell. Still the Humanei did not surrender. We fought battles that scarred worlds and ripped skies. Blood ran green and red across the void, still neither would yield. The Vulcan fought for pride and the Humanei fought for freedom. As it had to be, Sarek, son of s'Tonn, son of s'Tolkar, he of the vision, went to T'Pau, ruler of all, she who bled for her people. T'Pau I have had a vision, said Sarek, the Humanei will never surrender. We will be destroyed and they will go into darkness cursing our names, if we continue in this madness. This must cease. Now, T'Pau weeped for her people. Never had Vulcan lost so many sons and daughters. What else did your vision tell you, Sarek? My mightiest sorcerers have told me naught that will destroy the cursed round ears. I will listen to you, now. I will send my only son, said Sarek. Let them send their chosen son, to fight on the sands. What will be. will be. As the battle rises or falls, so shall Vulcan. Now Sarek's Son was s'Spock , Sarek a Son Nee Amanda Humanei, mighty warrior and sorcerer. His mother had been taken as captive many years before, but she had found favor with Sarek, and given him a son. s'Spock was dark and comely in the way of the Vulcanei, and many were they who burned for him, but he would have none. He would only say: I will know the one. His father came to him in the night of Vulcan, where he sat in the desert below the mount of Selaya of legend, bless its holy name. He told him there, as he weeped, that he must go to fight or die for his people. So it is, that Selaya is also called the Mount of Tears. The Humanei and Vulcan called truce on the planet Aratkeen, of the desert. There would their champions fight, with blood, blade, will and word. No weapons which threw or burned were permitted on the world that was desert. Only blade, blood, will and word. For in the Afore time, the Humanei had the Gift also and were powerful Sorcerers. The most powerful of these Sorcerers was s'Kirk Jhames, nee Winona. Also known as, he of the flashing eyes. His eyes were the green of emeralds,with lightening streaking through them in tune to his power, which was accounted great among the Humanei. And he was beautiful and glowed with his power as he walked among the Humanei. Many were they who lusted after him, and in the way of the Humanei, many were they with whom he lay, but none whom he loved. But, always he was kind and gave great joy. When any sought to hold him too tightly, he would only shake his head gently and say, I will know the one. So they met, s'Spock of Vulcan, of the desert, and s'Kirk of Humanei, of the world of water. And when s'Spock looked upon the other, he knew all was lost, for this was the one for whom he had waited. His heart moved and shattered, for he could not win by the losing, or the victory. They fought with blade and blood, and s'Spock drank in the smells of sea water and s'Kirk heard the desert winds. They fought with word and will, and s'Spock, heard the sound of joyful laughter and saw flashing eyes. s'Kirk heard the meditation bells and felt the burning of the blood. He knew he had found his love, and weeped, for he would lose s'Spock now, on the sands. s'Kirk would not let his people be enslaved, even for his love. They wove spells of power as the planet shook. All who watched became fearful, for never had such power been wielded in all the memories of the people.Then, s'Kirk wove his mightiest spell, and all Humanei felt his pull as he drew on them, all that they were, and ever had been, and in one mighty blast he released, with a word, his spell, in a blinding shaft of light. All of Vulcan dropped to its knees and shuddered from the impact. s'Spock felt the glow of light pierce his heart and he could fight no more. He surrendered on the sands of Aratkeen, for he knew he could not slay the Humanei Sorcerer. The greatest of Humanei Sorcerers had defeated him, and he would die on the sands, at the hands of his beloved. He bled onto the sands and waited for the Humanei to finish the slaying. The sand ran green. s'Spock felt s'Kirk look down upon him. The Humanei Sorcerer knelt down beside him, lifted s'Spock up to his breast, and smiled. He, of the world of water,took his blade and passed it over his own chest and bled onto the sands. The sands ran red. Where the red touched the green, water flowed. Where the red touched the green, flowers bloomed. All who watched marveled, and s'Kirk laughed in Joy. This world we renamed, Genesis. Then, s'Kirk turned to s'Spock of Vulcan and said unto him, thou arte my one true love. I have awaited thee. Thou arte mine, now and for all time. And s'Spock was healed. It is said their love was so pure, neither time nor age dimmed it. All who witnessed it were humbled. Together, they wove mighty magicks, the like of which we have never witnessed since. Since the Afore time, all who are joined in joy to their one true love, are said to have found their Healing. For surely in the healing, s'Spock and s'Kirk both found all they had ever sought. So it was my children, that the Vulcan and the Humanei were joined. For on that day, s'Kirk of Humanei gave himself, all that he was, to s'Spock of Vulcan. On that day, they were bonded and we have ever since been as one people, since the Afore time. On the day they died, for they took that journey together as ever they lived, it is said the stars wept and the darkness of the sky blazed in tribute. Now, Sacha, my little one, it is surely time for you to sleep. It is time for all of you to sleep. Yes, my sweet, if you are blessed one day you will find your Healing.