Title: Happy Birthday, Jim Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: G Codes: Summary: It's Shatner's Birthday and I want to celebrate. This was same day delivery, so excuse any errors, I didn't have time for a beta read. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them, I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Happy Birthday, Jim "Jim, wake up. It's time to go down to the surface. Wake up, dammit." "Bones, leave me alone. It is 0400 in the morning. Why in the heck are you in my cabin bugging me. I just got up from the surface three hours ago. Leave me be." "Nope. You promised to go fly fishing with me and you are coming now. A man is only as good as his word. Get up and bring your ass now, Captain." Kirk grumbled and made several mumbled guesses as to McCoy's true parentage while he slowly got out of bed and dressed to go down to the surface with McCoy. "Did I ever tell you what a pain in the ass you are?" Kirk asked amicably while they stood on the transporter pad and awaited the beam down. "Yup, but I chose not to believe you, because I know what a sweet guy I am." McCoy's grin was wide enough to drive a starship through. As soon as they beamed down, the transporter tech called up to the bridge. "The goose has laid the golden egg." "Acknowledged," Spock's voice came over the COM and the tech smiled at their own private joke. "Bones, there are no fish in this lake," Kirk grumbled as he threw the cast out into the water again for the fortieth time. "Shh, Jimboy. You'll scare the fish away." "Fish, smish," he muttered as he shivered in the early morning mist. McCoy's beeper went off. He flipped it open." Houston, the Eagle has landed." Uhura's voice announced. Kirk turned suspiciously to his friend and stared at him. "What are you up to, Bones? This better not be some stupid surprise party with hookers again. I told you, I don't do hookers." "No hookers, Jim, I promise. Get ready to beam out." Five seconds later they both were up in the mountains of the same planet. They materialized against a backdrop of mile high mountains surrounded by fluffy clouds and a wind that blew continuously around them. Standing in front of James Kirk as he materialized was the entire bridge crew and command staff of the Enterprise. " Happy Birthday, Captain," they yelled in unison as he materialized. The grin on his face was unrehearsed and genuine. Spock approached him with a huge package in his arms. "Jim, this is a gift from the crew of the Enterprise. Each department has contributed something to it for your personal enjoyment." Kirk's eyes glistened suspiciously as he walked forward and began to unwrap the package. When he had finished a large triangular shaped amalgam of electronics and fiber stretched across a frame that was laid out on the ground. " Is this what I think it is?" He whispered excitedly. "Wings," Spock answered, then he and Scotty began to help him into the contraption. When they finished, a frame of ultra- light wings stretched out to either side of him. He bounced with excitement as Spock told him about the controls and as soon as Spock finished he raced for the side of the cliff and leapt. "Shit," McCoy yelled. He watched as Kirk dropped over the side of the mountain. He ran to the side and before he reached it, Kirk soared up towards him and out towards the horizon. A long whoop of pure joy trailed behind him. Spock came and stood beside him while he watched their friend disappear into the sun. "Spock, tell me again why we gave our Captain, and best friend, wings to fly with in mile high mountains." "It is his birthday and it gives him joy. Also, I included sensors in the wings. If he has any difficulty, the transporter room is on standby for the duration of his flight to beam him aboard on my signal, or his." "You're pretty smart, for a Vulcan." "I will accept that as a compliment, Dr. McCoy." They turned and sat down to the picnic lunch that was spread out for their enjoyment. "Do you think he will be back in time for the ice cream and cake?" Uhura asked as she served herself. "Probably not," McCoy answered. "So enjoy yourselves, we done good." They all raised their glasses in a toast. "To James Tiberius Kirk, the best damn Starship Captain in the whole damn fleet." Uhura stood up and raised her glass on high. "Announcement, I am not tipsy, yet, but I'm going to sing a song right now, because I want to." Everyone shouted their approval. "The reason I'm going to sing is because each and every one of you, from engineering, to weather, to topography, to physics, to art, got together to build a set of wings for our Captain, our heart and soul. He will be flying until the sensors force him to land because of fatigue, so you know he loved our gift. Whatever you do in life, don't ever forget this. We worked together to bring joy to a man who would willingly die for each and every one of you; it was worth every minute of it." Spock pulled out his lyre and Uhura began to sing. I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky I think about it almost every day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar See me running through that open door. I believe I can fly. I believe I can fly. I believe I can fly. She continued on with the enthusiastic participation of the entire crew. Dusk fell and only Spock was still awake and sober when Kirk landed on the mountaintop. McCoy snored at his side. Kirk's landing was like a rush of the wings of angels as he settled slowly to the ground and knelt while the Vulcan pulled the wings off of his back. The human rose wordlessly and turned to help collapse the wings back down into a manageable package. When they had finished he turned and looked at the Vulcan with a face Spock had not seen before. "Is it permissible to hug you, Spock?" Spock turned away briefly and then nodded silently in assent, at which point Kirk grabbed him in a bear hug that threatened his very air." This is the best birthday I have ever had in my entire life. I know you thought of it and McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura helped you plan it. But this is pure Spock, and I thank you." He felt Vulcan arms hug him briefly in return, "You are welcome is the expected response, I believe." Spock leaned back, "Jim, you are my friend and my Captain. Most importantly, there is nothing I can give you that repays you for what you have given me, yourself. Happy Birthday, Jim, and may you always ride the winds of your choice." "Shut-up with the mushy stuff and come eat and start drinking," McCoy's voice rose up from where he lay. "I have been holding this flask of Saurian brandy for your tardy ass for the last two hours. Drink-up dammit, Doctor's orders." Kirk laughed, crossed over, grabbed the flask and took a long swig, and began to cough uncontrollably. "Shoot, Bones what the hell is this." "Fifty year old Saurian Brandy, Jimboy. By the end of this night, you are going to be drunk, or my name is not Leonard Horatio McCoy." "By the end of this night, I am going to be sick as a dog, especially if this is any indication of what you have in your special bag." "What the hell, you're the Captain, you are suppose to get drunk on your birthday." Kirk smiled affectionately at his friend and tipped his drink first towards McCoy, them Spock, in salute. " To the best friends in the galaxy." Spock and McCoy turned to each other and for the first time in their lives they spoke together, in one voice." Happy 34th Birthday, Jim."