Title: Doctor's Logs 12 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG13] Codes: Lang., content Summary: McCoy is ordered to keep a personal log as a physician, of his observations aboard the Enterprise. They are for his use only, for therapy, and to work out any issues he might have. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. McCoy's logs are often out of order, as far as dates, secondary to ion storm damage to the memory banks and his forgetting to back them up on a secondary site, like Spock told him to. Doctor's Logs 12 Stardate 1685.2 I just got everything peaceful for a hot minute after Jim got split apart by that damn transporter, then all hell had to break out again. My sickbay is quiet now and everybody has been sent back to their quarters. We didn't lose a single person on this last mission. The only person that was in any real danger was Jim, and he's doing just fine. It turned out to be not half as bad as it looked at first. When I first saw him lying on the Biobed, all covered in blood I thought he had bought it for sure. Most of the blood wasn't his, it belonged to Kleinschmidt. Good riddance to the asshole. He would've been hard for either I or M'Benga to work on, I know. We would've done it, but even the Hippocratic oath doesn't make it easy to work on someone as despicable as him. I can't imagine what made that man think that no one would find out what he was doing, eventually. He was a fool, a greedy, bloody, damned fool. Every once in a while, you hear about someone like him. A person who uses Federation technology to go to some distant planet, where the civilization is not as well developed and set themselves up as Lord and Master. Starfleet is crystal clear on that. The penalty for doing what Heinrich did is an automatic death penalty. In fact, all Starfleet Captains have orders to terminate such individuals with extreme prejudice. It is a tool to terrify anyone from thinking of it. If the bad guys know that an entire Constitution class vessel can eradicate them without asking for surrender, the concept is, they won't do it. Greedy folks are still out there who will try. The stories coming out of those attempts are extremely gory and always ending in the perpetrators' deaths. The Federation Charter states clearly that no planetary system can engage in acts which subjugate or enslave the peoples of a non-aligned or technologically subordinate peoples. If a governmental policy can be discerned behind the incident, the other members of the Federation have the right to wage war, or demand reparations. It is serious stuff. I think Earth learned its lessons after the bloody border skirmishes and wars that were a direct result of the racist expansionist policies of the early history of Earth. Stupid bastards almost got the whole planet nuked by thinking they had some right to decide the future of another country, or people, because of right of birth. I never did understand European history, North American history, Chinese history, Middle East history, Vietnamese history, Korean History, Ugandan History, German history, Australian History, South African history... I could go on, but you get the point. They all were idiots. Shit, people are people. No one has the right to decide for an entire people against their will, solely because they are different. We were out in the middle of nowhere again, star-mapping, and Spock sighted a system that looked promising. He thought it had worlds that, if uninhabited, could be colonisable. So, we moseyed over to take a look. It was easy to see on the first pass, that the planet had people. That got everybody all happy. These guys love finding new races of beings. It gives them all a little thrill. You could see the entire bridge get excited by the prospect of something new and different. How far we humans have come. They were pre- industrial, agricultural based, and living in large communities. Kirk decided to orbit awhile to get sensor readings. There was no danger that anyone would see us, since these folks hadn't invented a telescope yet. I'm not sure what set his warning bells off, but we were watching the sensor scans in the briefing room over coffee and donuts, when he tensed up and made them rerun a segment. Spock looked at him and then turned to stare at it with him. All I heard Kirk say was one word: Shit. I, being totally lost, asked what the hell was he looking at. Spock pointed to an energy scan that was nothing but a blip on the bottom of the screen, fixed over one of the long houses. The people lived in huge dwellings made of a clay- like substance. It seemed there was one extended family per dwelling. One of the houses that had a prominent position in the middle of the enclave had a single solitary, quickly hidden, energy surge coming from it. Even I know it was from a power source, but I didn't understand why we had all the fuss. Then it hit me, there wasn't suppose to be a power source on this level of world, and nothing strong enough to register as a blip on our sensors. I looked at Jim and he had his head bowed in concentration. Then he took a deep breath and looked up. He told Spock to ready a fully armed away team and to have them ready for a briefing in one hour. He got up and left. I went over to ask Spock what was going on. Spock turned to me and told me: "We are going to the planet surface to terminate some people, Doctor. Someone is down there in direct violation of Federation law, living in that enclave." Suppose they are there out of ignorance? I asked. He told me: "Ignorance is no defense in this instance. The Captain is mandated to kill, or capture, whoever it is, with extreme prejudice. All that are involved, are to suffer the same fate." Shit, no wonder Jim left. I understood it then. I remember hearing about that standing order, I just had never seen it done. Now, I was going to participate in a massacre. I wasn't at the briefing, because I wasn't invited. Jim came to me in the sickbay and told me I would not be required on the planet surface, as there would not be any anticipated survivors. However, he told me they would be returning with the bodies, and I needed to get the morgue ready. His eyes were haunted, but his voice was firm. I wanted to tell him it was not his fault that whoever was down there had been so stupid, but I didn't quite get it out. I should've said something before he left. I won't ever get tongue-tied with him again. He needed to hear an absolution from me. I think he would've played it differently, had I done better. Spock told me later, that Kirk left him onboard, in case whoever was planetside chose to try to make a run for it. I know he argued about that with Jim, but Spock obviously lost. I think Kirk wasn't sure Spock could be bloody minded enough to do what had to be done. Spock really is a pacifist philosophically, Jim isn't. It turns out Jim was wrong. Spock can be bloody minded enough, when he needs to be. They beamed down during twilight, in full battle gear, with night scopes on. The sensors had told them where everything was in the village. Kirk suspected that they had a proximity monitor to tell them when a vessel neared the planet, probably at the outer asteroid belt. He thought they knew we were in system. He was right. What Kirk didn't suspect was how much of a bastard Heinrich would be about it all. Heinrich didn't want to die and he didn't want to get caught, so he did the only thing he could think of to give him some time to run, he sent the native people to attack our landing party. He armed them with primitive weapons, held their children as hostages, and sent them out to attack a security team armed with hand phasers and rifles. Kirk stood there as the entire village started running and screaming in fear and grief at the aliens, and ordered the security not to fire. He had half of the team transport up to the ship and led the first half of the team on a dead run away from the village. The second half of the squad transported down to the other side of the village to wait for the bad guys who Kirk felt sure would run out, after they felt we were suitably distracted. The prime directive was no longer in force because of the presence of another who had obviously contaminated the culture, so Kirk led them up into the hills and through a narrow wash, which dead-ended. They never stopped chasing the aliens because their children were at stake, and the Enterprise team never fired a shot at them. When Kirk and the team were fully backed against the wall, he had them beamed away, and closed off the other end of the wash with a force-field, effectively sealing them all in the wash, safe and unharmed. In the meantime, the bad guys tried to escape in the opposite direction from the big lodge and ran right into our security team. The redshirts killed two of them before the rest made it back to the relative safety of the lodge. Kirk had first squad beamed to the other edge of the village. That's when he got to meet Heinrich for the first time. Heinrich was a Human, from one of the colony worlds. He strolled out into the middle of the village and started to shout at the top of his voice. All of this was on the Vid recordings. They make Captains record all of the events on a mission such as this, so that no-one can say they acted inappropriately, or wiped out a legal trader. The security guy taping it all was hidden out of sight and beaming the events back to the ship. We sat mesmerized on the bridge as it all unfolded, at least I was mesmerized. Heinrich was a big man, fully 1.8 meters tall, and 90 kilos, pale with blond hair plastered to his sweaty skull. He started screaming that we had better leave or he would kill all his hostages. Kirk walked out into the middle of the central grounds and stood 50 meters from the man. Jim is a small guy really, but he can radiate a level of intensity that you can pick up, even on a vid recording. The guy stepped back before he could stop himself. "Who are you?" Jim asked. "Heinrich Kleinschmidt, ruler of this world, and you will leave before you cause the death of hundreds of stupid animals. Who the hell are you?" "I have a Scoutship orbiting this planet. We came to map the system." Why the hell was Jim lying to the man? There are only 25 crewmembers on a regular ship. We have 433 active crew on this ship. "They are people, not animals, and they are not to be ruled by you. You have no right to impose your will on them. You have no right to be here." Jim's voice was so soft, it made my skin crawl. "Scout huh, well you ain't gonna be able to overwhelm anything with a crew of a Scout, so I guess we have a stalemate. I was here first, so clear the hell out. I have the only right I need to be here, the right of the superior race. I'm human. I'm meant to rule frigging animals like these, and they only have one purpose: to serve my needs. They ain't good for nothing more than being slaves. They ain't human, what the fuck do you care about them? You're jealous, that's all." His face took on a calculating look. "I have more than enough ores to go around and they do all the mining for us. Precious jewels, rare ores, everything you ever had a wet dream about is on this world. I only had to kill a few of them to get them to cooperate. They work hard as long as you keep at them. Lazy bastards, are only good for digging and screwing. Look, " he tried to smile, " why don't I give you a few of their women, or men, what ever you want? I'll load your ship up with valuables and you can forget you ever saw me. I'll be gone before anyone else can ever reach this place and you'll be rich. If you try to arrest me, I have a phaser trained on 137 children, and I'll kill them all before I, or my crew, let you take us. They're only animals to us, so don't think we won't do it. Too much is at stake to not do it. This is our world, we found it." "The Federation's policy is that a populated world is not open for development; it belongs only to the people who live on it. There's no such thing as discovering a world where people have lived for millennia. It's their world; you're an intruder." There was something about the way that Jim was talking that made you feel like maybe he didn't totally agree with that policy. I was about to hit the roof, when Spock turned to me and said: "Calm yourself, Doctor. You must never doubt the Captain's intentions. Mr. Chekov, begin a scan for 137 people congregated together, with the addition of possibly twelve others. It should be within walking distance of the present location. "Well, I'm a fucking rich intruder," the man continued. "So, decide what you're going to do, Starfleet, or I'll do whatever I have to. What the hell is your name anyway?" "I'm not sure you need to know, less for you to tell if you get caught in the future. What kind of ores have you found?" Kirk asked. Kirk's name would've been a dead give away. Even I knew that. The guy's eyes took on a feral gleam. He thought he had Jim. "Redinium, diamonds, platinum, latinum, gold, all the best of the best. This place is just covered with shit. The women are good to look at too, for animals." Kirk's face smiled, and Heinrich figured he had him now. '"Let me call my ship, and I'll be right with you. I think we can come to an agreement. Do you have any of those women in there, now?" Jim rubbed his groin suggestively. I wanted to barf. "It's been a long trip." The guy cackled and the sound curdled my stomach. "Sure, stud. Come on in and we can discuss business. But, no, you don't get to call your ship first. You do that and all bets are off and the kids die." "Like I give a fuck about the kids," Kirk said in the coldest voice I have ever heard from a human. "I need to let them know we have a potential deal down here. Starfleet pay ain't that great. And if I don't call them, they're gonna start shooting, and they won't care who they hit." The man pondered that information in silence and then nodded once in concession. Kirk flipped open the communicator. "Reporting in. Plan alpha in affect, knight to king's rook four. Surface out." "What the hell was that all about?" Heinrich sputtered. "I told them to stand down until the next time for me to report in. You got any booze? I like to drink when I'm screwing. You know we have some high-tech boring equipment on board. It could speed up production by a factor of ten. " Heinrich positively glowed with greed. Kirk strolled over towards him and walked into the lodge and out of sight. I could feel Spock tense along with the rest of the bridge crew. Spock ordered another security team to get ready and wait for him in the transporter room. He positively burst from the bridge. I ran to the sickbay to get my equipment and rushed down to meet him in the transporter room. I felt like I might be needed. He was already finished briefing the team and watching the vid recording on the wall screen, when Chekov's voice broke in. " Mr. Spock, we have identified a party matching your description. It is in the nearby mountains." Chekov's voice was smug. "What are the coordinates, Mr. Chekov? " Chekov gave them to Spock and he programmed them into the transporter. "Mr. Scott." Scotty answered. "I require pinpoint accuracy of you. You will target these coordinates with a low level stun, on my signal." We crossed and stood on the transporter pad. "Now, Mr. Scott. Mr. Kyle, transport us down." I felt the beam take me over. One of the reasons I hate transporters is because I am one of the people that have never gotten over a momentary pang of nausea and disorientation after being transported, every damn time. This time was no different. When we got to the surface, the security team rushed the encampment to find alien children sprawled everywhere, unconscious, but otherwise unharmed. They grabbed all the bad guys and when they had them securely in hand, they transported back to the ship with prisoners and we started transporting down staff to handle the children when they woke up. I was stuck there for a while, so I wasn't at the village for what happened next. Spock made sure everything was going smoothly, then he transported to the village. I watched the vid later, much later. When we phasered the other camp, some type of alarm went off in the lodge where Kirk was. The security teams that were waiting outside of the building, heard the sound of shouting, and ran down to protect their Captain. At the same time, seven other humans burst out of the building running for all they were worth for the ship they had hidden outside of the village. They were firing with their weapons on kill. Fortunately, the security armor absorbed most of the blasts. There were only minor burns to two redshirts. The vid tape caught Spock moving fast, along the periphery of the firefight. Instead of heading for the front door, Spock put his fist through the side of the building. He looked through, then he fired at the wall, vaporized it, and ran through to the inside. I mean damn, it was like some war movie except it was real. The vid never stopped rolling. I'll give the guy operating the camera credit for that. There is no way Starfleet won't believe us. He didn't miss a thing. He especially didn't miss Spock walking out of the door with the bloody, unconscious body of James Kirk in his arms. God, there was so much blood on them both. Jim was so still. Spock was so very quiet. Someone saw them, before Spock could utter a word, and signaled the ship. They were transported directly to sickbay and M'Benga. He called me and had me beam up right away. M'Benga thought it was a two doctor job. It turned out not to be, but I could see immediately why he did it. When Kleinschmidt heard the alarm, he realized he had been had. He attacked Jim with the sharpest damn knife I've ever seen. He wasn't sure his civilian weapon could pierce Starfleet armor, so he decided to take care of Jim the old fashion way. He tried to slit our Captain's throat. Kleinschmidt's crew fled. They didn't want revenge; they wanted out. They knew the penalty and didn't see how killing Jim would save them, so they ran. Kleinschmidt was a lot bigger than Jim. Spock said, when he got inside there, Jim was slumped over Kleinschmidt, unconscious and bleeding. Kleinschmidt was dead, with two large knife wounds in his heart. I guess the second one was for insurance. He got Jim in his right forearm, his right lung, and his left thigh. He nicked Jim's femoral artery, which was what had gushed out all over the damn place. Spock used his hands to apply pressure to it, to keep our Captain from bleeding out. That was why he came out with Jim, instead of using the communicator. He didn't have a free hand at the time. He had one hand on Jim's artery, and the other over the chest wound. It looked really nasty. The blood loss was what made Jim pass out. Once we had him cleaned up and stabilized, we could tell that he was not too bad off. The wound to the lung was really superficial. It came from the knife going through Jim's forearm and hitting his chest. The extra meat between the hilt and the lung kept the wound from being deep. M'Benga and I got him all patched up in record time. The next morning he woke up like he had just come from a mild workout. Spock walked in just as Jim was stirring. I wonder how he does that? We gave him a short report. He gave Spock instructions on what to do next, and promptly went back to sleep. The next day, we took all of the "adventurers" back down to the planet surface. Kirk met with the rightful leaders. We all had translators on so we could communicate pretty well. Kleinschmidt had forced their leaders to learn standard over the year he had been on the surface, so he wouldn't have to strain to speak to them. It never dawned on the asshole to learn their language. They called themselves the Khoi, and they spoke a musical language full of clicks. Away from phasers and slavery, they smiled easily. They had been at peace for a thousand years before humans fell from the sky. They were artists and singers, and dealt in beauty. Humans had shown them only ugliness. Jim spoke with them at length about how wrong Kleinschmidt and his crew had been. He destroyed the ship in front of them after emptying its holds and transported all the debris out into space. The only trace of the ship was a scorch mark on the ground. He gave them a transmitter with instructions on its use. They were given permission to use it if anyone else ever came this way again and tried to enslave them. Those people were so grateful, they began to bawl like babies. The head woman, Shandri was her name, hugged Jim so hard, I could see him gasp in pain, but he refused to push her away. Then he had all the men who had raped and plundered the innocent world brought out onto the square. He asked Shandri what she wanted to do with them. She walked away and conferred with her council. She returned and these were her exact words: "We are the Khoi. We are blessed of the creator, who sent you here to save us and our children. We never doubted that the Creator would deliver us from evil. You are his agent and his wrath. It is not for us to do naught but rejoice in our freedom and our return to the ways of the Khoi. You must take them with you and guarantee they never return. We do not wish else than we have received, our lives returned to us." To think that Kleinschmidt called them animals. Jim put his head down and when he raised it, he had a smile on his face that made me want to cry. It made him look so vulnerable. I looked at Spock and his eyes were locked on Jim. Jim bowed. I had never seen him bow to anyone before. Then, he reached over and took both of Shandri's hands and kissed them. We left. We took the survivors to the nearest base. It was not that near. Nothing is out here. They were all publicly executed after a short trial and we went back out to star-mapping. Kirk is fine. He had a small limp for a few days, but the last time I saw him, he and Spock were working out in the gym. Spock was reviewing Vulcan techniques to defend against knife attacks with him, and Jim was listening intently. The news programs picked it up of course. Starfleet made sure they did. They wanted to use the episode to discourage anybody else from even thinking about doing the same thing. They made Kirk sound like he went in there guns blazing to defend the innocents of a world. Not a single newscaster talked about the fact that my Captain went into a building against eight to one odds, to buy time for 137 children that he had never seen and will never see. Not a single damn broadcaster mentioned the fact that he let his squad be run into a dead-end defile, rather than shoot a single Khoi. Only one showed the scene of Spock carrying his bloody Captain from the lodge, and the story they put with the picture was that Kirk had a solo battle to the death with eight of the pirates, killing them all. I need some shoreleave and I'm taking my wonderfully brave Captain with me and getting us both drunk. I'm going to take good care of James Kirk until the day I die. End Log 8 8