Title: Doctor's Logs 13 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: PG13 Codes: Lang., content Summary: McCoy is ordered to keep a personal log as a physician, of his observations aboard the Enterprise. They are for his use only, for therapy, and to work out any issues he might have. This is set after the Khoi are freed by the Enterprise. It is before the mission known as the Naked Time. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. McCoy's logs are often out of order, as far as dates, secondary to ion storm damage to the memory banks and his forgetting to back them up on a secondary site, like Spock told him to. Doctor's Logs 13 I am a Doctor. That has meant a lot of things for the last 4000 Standard years on Earth. At one point we were next to the priests in importance, at another point we were the lyingest, cheatingest sons of bitches, in the world. Then they tried to replace us with machines, nurses, physician assistants, accountants, and computer programs. I have no problem with nurses, nurse practitioners, or physician assistants. They are fine at what they do, but they are not Physicians. Who do you want building your one hundred story skyscraper, on swamp land, next to the daycare center, the Structural Design Engineer, or the engineer's assistant? After awhile, the whole world rebelled. They wanted the magic, the caring and the skill that came from a physician, not an accountant. Medicine is belief, science, communication, and decisions. The practice of medicine is asking questions no-one else will ask. Medicine is being the most intrusive son of a bitch you can be, but being one only for the good of your patient. My profession has been through a lot of changes in the last five centuries, from the heights of prestige to the depths of shame. Now, they screen better; they get rid of the opportunists and the freaks before they ever get in medical school. They turn away those who do it only for the name and the money. Make no mistake we get paid well, even in Starfleet. The difference is, only those who have a true fire to heal, are allowed into medicine now. Accountants are sent to accounting school, crooks are sent to rehab, egotists are sent to therapy, and the rest that are left, the insane few are allowed to heal. God, I love it. I feel blessed every day I'm allowed to touch a patient. I feel privileged everytime a confidence no-one else has been given, is shared with me. I realize that this may not last forever. I realize that one day this magnificent trip will come to an end, but in the meantime, " on the top of the world, Ma." Yeah, I like Jimmy Cagney; what self respecting man doesn't? I remember when I first met James Kirk. He was unconscious, in a medically induced coma in the sickbay at Starfleet medical. He had been injured in a planetary survey, where the natives were not only hostile, they were deadly as all get out. He was on Garrovick's ship at the time, and rumors about him had already begun to circulate around headquarters. They said he was brilliant, fearless, uncanny, and destined for greatness. When I saw him, he was hanging on by a thread. I can remember thinking he looked like a boy. In truth he was the youngest Starship Grade Lieutenant in the history of the fleet. He was 22 years old. I remember looking at Jim as he lay in the chamber and wondering what type of man he was. As good as Jim Kirk looks now, without the burdens of Captaincy, he looked like an angel at 22, a perfect male specimen, except a little short. We worked our asses off on that kid. Back then, I think half the female staff was in love with him, even though he was unconscious. I hate to think what would have happened to our staff moral if he had died. Obviously he didn't die. When we finally brought him up to full consciousness, and he spoke his first words which were: "Did my squad make it?", I saw two nurses leave the room, and one physician, in tears. He smiled at us, as soon as he opened his eyes. It was a wonder to behold. The next thing he said was: "Thank-you". I, of course, was in the middle of my deep drunks then. My ex- wife had gotten remarried and my daughter was calling someone else Daddy, at least that's what my Bourbon filled mind told me was going on. Of course, I didn't believe a single thing Jim Kirk said back then. He was full of the joys of Space and boldly going, blah, blah. He was a liar, just like my wife, Starfleet, my father, my Mother, and every damn other person who told me that if I studied hard, went to medical school, became a Doctor, healed people, and got married, my life would be perfect. What a crock of shit. Perfection does not exist, not even for hot shot surgeons. Don't let anybody tell you Gary Mitchell was a complete dickhead. He stopped short at being complete, just. He loved and idolized James Kirk. I watched him turn off all of his dickhead traits as soon as he entered the room with Jim Kirk. It was eerie, in fact. Gary wanted Jim to think so highly of him that he made himself act civilized and kind when he was around Jim. As soon as he left Kirk's side, the true Gary came out. He was an egotistical, cynical, manipulative asshole. The only thing in the galaxy Gary wasn't cynical about was Jim. He believed in Jim. I wondered then, what kind of man could engender that response from someone like Gary. I got a second chance to meet Gary, a few years later, after he took a poison dart intended for Jim. My opinion of him did not improve, but I got a glimpse of his particular demons and I saw someone who hid a lot of pain. But, that's another story. James T. Kirk was the hardest working, most dedicated patient I had ever seen. He was up and on out of the sickbay one week after coming out of a coma. They had to make him take a month of R and R. That's when we got to spend some time together. I thought he was an enigma then, and he still is now. But, we partied for one full month, at least I did. I didn't realize until later that when we would go out and get drunk and laid, he never was out of control. He never was drunk. I was the one who was drunk, every night, and he just went along. I think it was his way of paying me back for saving his life. By the time I finished hanging out with him for that month, I still drank, but I wasn't drunk every night. I still was depressed, but I could see that it was going to pass. It took me a few months after he went back to serve under Garrovick again, to realize the quiet way my life had changed. I never found out a lot about him then, or if I did, I was too drunk to recall what he said. Understanding Jim did not happen until I signed on to this ship and I'm still working on it. Why am I saying all of this? I am reminding myself of what I knew of him then and it leads me to who I see now. The years have hurt him, deeper than even he knows. I think Spock is about to hurt him even more. I talked to the Vulcan after he brought Jim back from the Khoi. Spock is going through one of his "stupids" again. I call them the "stupids". That's when Spock tries to erase one half of his inheritance and act like he has no humanity. That's where he goes and tell James Kirk that he will be unable to be emotionally supportive, or fulfill any other duties that Jim may want of him as a friend. That's where he tells James Kirk, sorry I don't wish to be your friend. The idiot did that yesterday, one week after I let Jim out of sickbay. Jim told me about it today. Screw Spock. He's an asshole. Why does he do this? I saw Jim sitting by himself in the rec room today, and he looked real strange, almost lost. When I asked him what was up, he turned and looked at me for a full five minutes before he answered. Then all he did was get up and motion for me to follow him to his quarters, which I did. Jim poured himself a huge glass of brandy and then he did one for me, too. He sat there and told me what Spock had announced to him that very day, in the privacy of his quarters. His voice was filled with a quiet type of loneliness, which tore at my very soul. Jim quoted Spock verbatim. "I can not and will not be what you desire of me. There is no logical rationale for friendship. There is no logical reason for a Vulcan to form interdependent relationships. I wish to inform you that I choose Vulcan, which means that I do not choose the human concept of friendship. I will continue to function loyally and efficiently as your second in command, but I will not be your friend. If this is not agreeable to you, I will understand. I can offer my application for transfer at your request." Spock is an asshole. I am glad I'm a Doctor. I am glad I choose healing. Had I chosen killing, there would be one confused, narrow-ass, dead, Vulcan, right about now. Let me get this straight, Gary Mitchell, the user of Starfleet, loved James Kirk as his brother and best friend, and Spock, who I have noted does not have a single damn friend, wants to reject the only person who has sincerely tried. I was mad and I wanted to kick some Vulcan ass, instead I did what I was trained to do: I healed. I told Jim that Spock was probably in emotional shock from the sight of him covered in blood and looking dead. I told Jim that Spock has so few skills at dealing with the true nature of his own emotions that he is running from the intensity of his reaction. I said, "Jim, that's a sign of how much Spock does care. Spock may be crazy, but he's no fool. Spock will change his mind." I could see Jim lighten up a bit as I told him all of that. I lied through my teeth. I have no damn idea if Spock will come to his senses. I do know that the damn idiot cares for Jim as deeply as he has ever cared for anyone. I know that it terrifies the Vulcan, and I have no idea of what to do about it. My job is to heal, and dammit, I am gonna heal this wound too. I have ordered a meeting with the Vulcan to ascertain his emotional and psychiatric stability. We have to go watch some idiot planet disintegrate first and then patrol the Romulan neutral zone. As soon as that is over, the man is going through an entire battery of psych tests, at the end of which I'm gonna tell him about himself. How dare he do that to Jim? Jim has done nothing but be understanding and accepting of Spock. It was a stupid idea to have a Vulcan first officer. Spock needs to return to science only and leave the first officer routine to someone with a damn heart. End Log