Title: Dear Sam 6 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: PG 13 Codes: Lang. Summary: These are the letters of one Starship Captain, to his big brother, George Samuel Kirk. We are grateful to the Estate of Ambassador Spock, for allowing us to view their contents. This is set directly after a mission that has recently been uncovered in the archives. It seems that many of the adventures of the Enterprise under Captain, and later Admiral Kirk, were never released by Starfleet Command. This historian wonders at the duplicity of Starfleet, at withholding this information for so many years. It is a travesty which this writer will attempt to correct. This letter was written 2 weeks after the newly discovered mission to the Khoi and follows the previous letter that discusses the Captain's actions during that mission. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom. They own them. I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Dear Sam 6 Dear Sam, Now, even I'm confused. First, Spock comes into my cabin and tells me he can not be my friend, or whatever I expected of him. Then, he tells me that McCoy has the abilities to give me what I desire. Right then, I thought the man was a card carrying Looney Tune. Remember those ancient cartoons we use to watch? I feel like I'm in one. I have to admit that he pissed the shit out of me. How dare he just unilaterally toss away everything we have slowly built over the last year? I have done nothing to him to deserve this type of treatment. I couldn't speak because I was too damn mad. I turned off. I could feel the systems shutting down as my last defense against screaming at him. I just told him thank-you and dismissed him and I went back to work. I actually was proud of myself for the way I handled it. I had just gotten to the point where I decided that I could really trust him, and he walks into my cabin and tells me to fuck off. I am just one lucky son of a bitch, ain't I. Sorry for the language, Sam. You know my speech gets foul when I get my feelings hurt. I never get to say these kind of things to anyone else, so you take the brunt of it, and I apologize. Let me get my head on and my language straight, as Mom would say. McCoy caught me trying to mull it all over in the rec room and he figured something was up. I told him what happened, because I was as lost as I've ever been. I knew Spock was getting more relaxed around me, and I knew I had not made any demands of him. I never have asked him to be anything other than Spock. Yeah, I know I talk about molding him, but not to be someone else, just to give him the freedom to be himself, or more fully himself than he was when I joined the ship. All I have ever done is give him every opportunity to find out who Spock is. I didn't deserve what he did, Sam. There is a lot of shit I deserve for the things I have done, this is not one of them. McCoy actually gave me some insight into the situation. He thought Spock's emotions may have overwhelmed him and sent him packing to regroup. I agree. I know he was pretty shook up about the way I handled Kleinschmidt. I got over it, I guess he didn't. Strangely enough McCoy's explanation gave me peace and I wasn't angry anymore. I just sat down for the wait. I have decided that Spock reminds me of Nelson Mandela, my Appaloosa. You remember how long it took to get that horse to let me touch him. It took twice as long to ride him. He never was tame, a thing of which I was proud. He was half wild to the end, but he agreed to accept me as his friend. He allowed me to ride him, because it gave him pleasure to run with me on his back. When I finally rode Nelson for the first time, we galloped for hours, until we both were exhausted. Then we slept in the fields, because we were too tired to make it home. Mom whaled on me for not making it back, but it was worth it. I remember Granpa telling me to take what I had coming like a man, without excuses, and then he helped me rub Nelson down and shine his coat to a high gloss. Just as I got use to the concept of waiting, in comes Spock again. He stood at parade rest in front of my desk, with his hands clasped behind his back. I was truly afraid of what he was going to say this time. " I have decided that humans are not possible for me to serve with. I resign my commission." I waited for him to say something like that, but what he said was completely the opposite. " Captain, I was premature in my earlier statements. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused you. I do indeed desire a friendship with you, however, I am at a lost as to how we should proceed. I sought insight from Lt. Uhura on the nature of Human friendships, but I perceive that you need to be the one to whom I come for further information. I am still unfamiliar with the mechanics of this particular type of relationship, especially as it concerns me. I will not agree to go on shoreleaves with you and have indiscriminate sex with women, or drink myself into oblivion. I also do not laugh, gossip, or tell outrageous lies as I have seen in other human male friendships." I sat there in total amusement as he continued. " I am not a jovial person, and I am not a demonstrative person." He finally came up for air. " I do not understand what you could possibly want from me, that you can not get elsewhere and with less difficulty." Sam you should have seen the look on his face, it was priceless. He looked like I was about to bite him and swallow him whole. I had to think awhile to digest his whole speech. I knew I was missing something and then it hit me what it was. His main difficulty was he felt I would not want his friendship because he was not like Kyle, or Gary. I had to keep myself from bursting out laughing. You and I both know that I don't ever want another friend like Gary. I need someone completely different. I need someone who can be themselves, without tarnishing their sense of self, and still stand by me. I need an equal, who can choose to follow me. That was never Gary. He was never my equal, and I think that was what tore him up at the end, when he was finally more powerful, and smarter than me, or so he thought, until I killed him. God, forgive me, that still hurts so much. Spock waited so patiently for me to answer. He reminded me of you when you would wait forever for me to think out my thoughts and tell them to you. I told him: "Spock, I don't want you to be Gary, Kyle, Areel, Bones, or anyone else other than who you are. I don't expect you to go pick up women with me. I do quite well on my own, and to be honest, you would be competition in the food chain." His eyes widened at that. I guess he still hasn't figured out that women find him attractive. "I sure don't expect you to suddenly change into a stand-up comic. That's not want I want from you." He shifted forward and walked over to sit in the chair across from me. He was still tense and almost ready to bolt. I had to fight to not reach out and try to stroke his coat, I mean his skin. My mind whispered. "Let me touch you, Nelson," The same little voice in my mind called out to him, "Shh, calm down, don't run, I won't hurt you. I'll never hurt you." His breathing slowed and finally he looked at me, and not through me. "Tell me what you do desire from me, so I may better meet your needs as your First Officer." One step forward, a half step back, he marches on. " Spock, I just want you to be yourself. I like you, as illogical as that may seem. I like playing Chess with you. I especially love beating you at Chess, which I do frequently. " His eyebrow quirked at that. " I enjoy working out with you, even though you continually wipe the floor with me. I look forward to our discussions of literature, politics, command, history, philosophy, quantum mechanics, anything. Think how hard it would be to find someone else to talk to me about all the things we talk about. I'd need to replace you with four other people, but with you I get it all in one place. We don't have to agree with each other; that's not important. I just like to talk and know that someone has the balls to have a different view and keep their differences intact, even if they see it conflicts with my position. I want someone who I can trust to be there for me, and be themselves for me. Do you understand what I mean by that?" "Actually, no, " he admitted and I felt like we had finally gotten somewhere new. "I want to get to know you well enough that your behavior is predictable to me, and mine is predictable to you. I will answer any question you have the strength to ask me. I will discuss anything you want. I don't want to turn to look for you, I want to know you're there, beside me. I want us to be a seamless team. In return, I will be your sounding board for any issue you have, without being unduly judgmental. I will explain any human behavior you do not understand, to the best of my ability. I will support and protect you, whenever you have a need, without reservation. I will not sacrifice you, or cause your death without a justification that you can accept as sufficient." I sat back and let him absorb it all , especially the last sentence. His mouth quirked a little like it does when he is trying not to smile. I wonder why I can read all of his little mannerisms. It is unnerving sometimes. " I see. You do not ask for half measures, as usual. I must inform you, I have never had a friend before." This was no surprise, but I didn't say anything. I just thought then that everyone else had been a fool to have missed the opportunity. "As long as you do not require me to take my stand-up routine on the road." I had to laugh, I love it when he lets his wit out for a walk." By the way, you can tell everyone else you don't have a sense of humor, I know better. I just want you to be yourself and accept me as I am, warts and everything. Do you think you can do that?" "I will try, Jim." Sam, I finally touched the Appaloosa. Hot damn. I want to see you. Tell me when you're available. I will send you tickets for the whole tribe. Don't give me any crap about the cost. We have never been poor, and they pay me a hell of lot more than I can spend. I have to go pick up some researchers out in the far reaches, first. Sorry, I can't be more specific, but you know the rules. If you really want to know where the ship is, ask Mom. I'm sure her source keeps her informed. Who do you think it is and do you think they're doing the twin backed beast? Yeesh, my own Mother having sex, what a concept. It's sorta kinky. But if she's anything like us, she's an animal. Growl. Damn, I'm happy. Love, Jim