Title: Far Away Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: R Codes: Implied m/m Summary: Spock's mind travels far away. T'Lara is the wife introduced to him by James Kirk, after Kirk's death. [yes, after] Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Far Away The night was unusually cool for Vulcan. A gentle breeze moved from the direction of Amanda's gardens and brought with it the smell of her roses, lilacs, and desert hybrids. Spock sat silently, allowing the starlight to soak into his face. He heard and at the same time felt T'Lara's presence as she approached from behind. She wordlessly offered him her thoughts. < Spock, where are you, dear one?> She rested her hands on his shoulders and her chin on his head. He reached up automatically to hold her hands. He relaxed all his barriers and opened his mind widely to her. Suddenly, she was flooded with another awareness. Warmth, deep, bone deep love vibrated through her mind, and brightness, so brilliant she closed her mind's eyes involuntarily. She felt a pull and instantly she was on a beach. Water as blue as Sapphire, stood against the red sand of Vulcan. Vulcan heat met cool water and a gentle mist formed at the edge of the shore. She saw a form taking shape right before her. It was not long before Spock became clearly visible to her, younger than she saw him with her body's eye, hair flowing down to his shoulders, whipped by an invisible wind. A new voice spoke from behind her. She turned to see James Kirk standing behind her. He pulsated with energy, encircled by a light that clothed his naked body in a glowing nimbus. Dark bronze skin contrasted with azure green eyes. Light brown hair streaked with gray and blonde, whipped in an invisible wind teasing at his shoulders. His age was indeterminate, even for a human. He was handsome in a way that transcended race, because it was an inner beauty. Sparks flew from his skin and danced around him in powerful eddies. < I greet thee, James Kirk, Bondmate to my husband. Your absence is felt> She felt a joyful laughter from behind her and turned to see Spock standing at her side. He looked down to her and gave her a gentle smile that spoke of their love and friendship. Then, he crossed and stood in front of Kirk. Gracefully, Spock raised his hand and brushed his fingers against the lock of hair that fell down Kirk's forehead. The human leaned forward and slowly enwrapped his taller Bondmate in his arms, resting his head on the Vulcan's shoulder. They stood silently holding onto each other, trembling with need and shared emotion. The mental landscape throbbed to the power of their longing and held her enraptured at the sight. Their bond transcended space, time, and gender, it was and would be, forever. Knowing this, she felt enriched, by the gift they had given her, to allow her to share this precious time with them. T'Lara stood and watched, apart yet not. Finally, she saw Kirk and Spock turn towards her. They held their arms out towards her and beckoned her forward. Hesitantly, she crossed the mental landscape and was gathered into their arms to stand between them, and be encircled by them. She could feel Kirk's fierce adoration radiating towards them both. It washed over them in towering waves of joy mixed with longing, yet left space for what she and Spock had built together. Spock leaned forward and kissed her, touching her love for him with his gentleness. Then, he turned to face his T'hy'la. Spock leaned forward and gently whispered his lips across Kirk's once, then returning, kissed him with a need and urgency that left them all beyond breath. As T'Lara watched, Kirk lost solidity and gradually faded. Spock's mind voice pleaded even as his hands reached out in supplication. His voice was full of regret too profound for utterance. He turned and gave T'Lara a look of such tendernes; she felt it reach into her innermost being. Kirk's voice faded as he did, His smile gifted them, as he slowly faded from sight. The meld dissolved with him and left behind the sound of a low moan. T'Lara held her husband in her arms and gently rocked him, until they both regained their composure. Together, they made their way back to the house and made love. At last, exhaustion claimed them both, and sleep came to comfort them. T'Lara awoke once, and felt her husband stir in his sleep. She turned to see a single tear flow down his cheek, onto the pillow where he lay. She kissed the trail it left behind and pulled him closer to her, to hold him as he dreamt of a Starship Captain's unbounded love. She sent a silent word of love to her Bondmate, Staren, dead these many years, and told him that she had found a second home, until she came to rejoin him, in the place beyond. THE END?