Title: McCoy Author: Istannor Series : TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG13] Summary: McCoy becomes part of the team Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back, when they promise to treat them with respect. McCoy Doctor Piper waited in the office of the base commander for his replacement. Leonard McCoy was joining the Enterprise as its new CMO. They had planned to meet away from the ship, first. Piper had some things he needed to tell McCoy, before Leonard had a chance to meet the Captain, and the ship's Vulcan First Officer. They were very important things. Piper had requested that McCoy be his replacement, because McCoy had a reputation for being a brilliant, slightly erratic, physician and scientist. He also had the reputation of being argumentative, confrontational, and lacking in respect for Starfleet protocol. McCoy drank too damn much, and talked too damn much; he was a perfect choice for the Enterprise. The imaginative, passionate, brilliant, Captain of the Enterprise needed someone just like that, in Piper's opinion. Kirk needed someone to fight with, argue with, to respect. McCoy would give Kirk a run for his money. Spock, what Spock needed, Piper honestly hadn't figured out. The Vulcan had become more rigidly logical and less animated, over the years he had been on the Enterprise, under Pike. He had begun to retreat from any semblance of emotions, into Vulcan stoicism. Kirk joining the ship, had been the catalyst for yet another change for the Vulcan. Piper had seen Spock watching his Captain with looks that even Piper couldn't interpret. Maybe McCoy would have more luck. "Hey, Pipe. How the hell are ya?" Piper was shaken out of his reverie by the rough southern drawl of Leonard McCoy. He turned to see a big, crooked smile on the craggy face of the new CMO. Startling blue eyes peered out from below non-regulation length, coal-black hair. "Hey yourself, Lenny. You're late." "Yeah, commercial transports are a pain in the butt. Where can we go and get a nice drink of bourbon? You're a vodka man, if memory serves me right." "Come on, I know just the place." Piper led McCoy through the warren of corridors that comprised Starbase twelve, until he found the spot he was looking for. It was a quiet bar that few Starfleet crewmembers ever visited. They would be able to talk out of the way of noisy eyes and ears. They got seated and chatted about old times, and Starfleet hassles, while they waited on their drinks. After McCoy took his first sip, Piper felt it was time to get down to business. "Lenny, I wanted to have a very private, and off the record, chat with you about Kirk and Spock, before you hit the ship. You know Kirk from before, right?" "Yeah , I met him when he was recovering from the attack on his ship. You know the one I'm talking about, when Garrovick got killed, along with half of the crew. Anyway, Kirk blamed himself for it all, even though his actions actually saved every other person that survived. I thought the kid was brilliant, real intense, and a little scary at the time. I should've known he'd make Captain at some obscene age." "Do you like him?" "He seems okay, at least what I've seen of him, and his Psyche profile, was consistent with what I've seen and heard. He's stubborn as hell, but he needs that to survive. He doesn't have any real hang-ups or prejudices. The guy doesn't drink much and never uses any drugs. As for his off-duty life, I know he has a reputation as being more than a little active, but the women seem to like it, and he's never abusive on any level. All in all, his profile looks like he's a picture perfect Starship Captain: brilliant, decisive, deadly and without fear. He's the saint of Starfleet, at least that's what they want you to think." "Well, what I'm going to tell you is not on his psyche profile. It isn't anywhere in hard copy. Do you understand me?" "Completely off the record?" "Completely." "Why?" "Because, he will deny it ever happened, to protect the memory and the record of his First Officer, and his best friend. You know he killed the man himself ?" "I heard about it, horrible." "You have no idea just how horrible, Lenny. Can I tell you this?" Translation, are you going to continue to keep this private, and off the record? "Is he worth it? What you are asking me to do, could put my own career in jeopardy. You know, I haven't met a military man yet, that was worth that." "This kid is the best that will ever be. Yes, he is worth all of this. You know me, Leonard; trust me." "Damn, out of the kettle, into the flame. He better be special. Go ahead, give it to me." Piper did. He gave McCoy the whole, painful story. He told McCoy how an esper crazed Gary Mitchell, had beaten and raped his captain, before Kirk had killed him. At the end, McCoy's only response was: "I need another drink." They sat in brooding silence for a long time, before McCoy finally spoke. " What about the Vulcan?" "He's a problem. The First Officer is supposed to have his hand on the pulse of the Captain and the morale of the ship. Spock couldn't sense morale if it bit him in the ass. He's so busy denying that he can feel, being super Vulcan, that he frequently doesn't have a clue what either Kirk, or the other Crew members are thinking. He's a tough nut to crack. Luckily for you, I think Kirk is going to do your job for you, in that area." "What do you mean?" "Kirk likes Spock, as a person, I mean. Somehow, he sees something in him that, I, for one, have missed. He has the Vulcan playing chess with him, eating with him, sparring with him, he has even invited him on Shoreleave with him." "Did he go? "No, but I suspect that Kirk will get his way sooner or later. He always does. Now, the Vulcan is actively working to anticipate his Captain's wishes. That's a first. As far as I know, the only person Spock was ever close to was Pike. That was a definite mentoring relationship. Pike was not a real warm and toasty guy in his later years. He had gotten distant and morose, before he left the ship. "Kirk, though that's a different matter all together. Wait until you get a chance to see him turn on his charm. He has this damn smile that makes you want to hug him. Lately, he has bounced back to his old self. He's laughing again, joking, and teasing the crew. They love him Lenny. No, let me change that; they adore him. They will do anything for him. Spock has not proven any better than the rest of us, at resisting the Kirk charm. I suspect they need each other, more than either one of them would like to admit." "Well," Piper stood up and slapped his thighs. "I know I've given you a lot to digest, Lenny. They need you, a lot. Spock is the rational one, at least outwardly, but he's afraid of his own needs. Kirk is infinite possibilities and indomitable will, but he's afraid his heart will lead him down the wrong path. Somewhere in that mix, they need a soul. That's you, Lenny. You are going to have to be their heart and soul. What do you say?" Piper held out his hand. McCoy took the proffered hand and stood slowly. "I say, I'm in for one hell of a ride. At least it won't be boring. You need to be forewarned, Mark, from what I've heard about Kirk, he is a true military man: controlling, egotistical, manipulative and real aggressive. We may end up hating each other. He may not want a heart and a soul." "He is all of those things, Lenny, but he is a visionary, and the finest leader I have ever seen. He won't ever turn away something that will benefit the ship, and you can benefit the ship. Give him a little space before you judge him. Remember, this man is fifteen years younger than the next oldest Starship Captain, and he earned the right to be up there. Just do your best." Piper waited for a response. McCoy slowly nodded his agreement, then, they shook hands to seal the deal. They left the bar together to go to the ship. It was time for McCoy to meet his charges. "Any of them have any real medical issues?" McCoy asked as they walked down the hall. Piper thought about his answer for a minute. "Spock is a Vulcan- Human hybrid. He has a lot of issues because of that. You have to be careful with everything you do to him. His reactions to drugs are not human, and they are not Vulcan either. He's denser, stronger, faster, and more sensitive to fluids and cold, than a human. Read up on everything you can get on Vulcan's , you'll need it. They're able to perform healing, in a self-induced trance state. It's only useful when they're well enough to induce the state themselves. You have to smack the mess out of him, to bring him out of it, when he's finished. I'll show you a tape I made of it, so you can see what I'm talking about. You won't find any real helpful information on hybrids, because he's the first. Good luck with that one, you'll need it." "Kirk is as healthy as two horses. He recuperates from injury like a frigging magician. He needs to, because he has a bad habit of getting in the way of flung, shot, and dropped objects. Watch out for him. He hates admitting to physical or medical problems. I saw him take us through battle one time with two broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken arm. He didn't say a thing about it until we had finished them off. Also, the kid," Piper responded to Lenny's repetition of the word, kid. "I'm seventy, Lenny; to me, he's a kid. Anyway, the kid insists on hitting planets first. He risks his neck far too much for my tastes. I think he has some deep-seated thing about protecting his crew. You're going to need to watch that." "What about my staff?" "You have fifteen techs, all great and six nurses. Christine Chapel is your head nurse. She's a definite keeper. Your other Doctor is M'Benga. You may have heard of him. He's the only human to be trained at the Vulcan Science Academy. He is one brilliant guy." "Well, at least you gave me great staff. You should've seen my last ship. The captain was no damn help either. He was a real hands off kind of guy." "Don't worry. Kirk does not tolerate lazy or inept crew. The man is a wizard at getting the best out of people or getting rid of them. You'll get all the support you need in that arena." "Alright, when do we meet the prodigy. I hate child prodigies you know." "Kirk hasn't been a child since he was twelve. Read his confidential record; you have access to it now. There are some things in there you need to know. You'll do just fine." Piper was leading them towards the transport pad to take them to the ship. "It looks like you won't have to wait. There he is right now, with his shadow. They must have just finished their meeting with the Base Commander." Piper walked a little faster. "Hey, Jim." Kirk turned around to wait for them. Piper could see his face slowly break into a grin as he saw who Piper was with. "Hey Mark, I didn't know you picked up strays." Kirk walked up to McCoy with a wide, genuine, grin and an outstretched hand. McCoy began to automatically respond with his own smile and handshake. "Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, I presume. Welcome, and we are glad to have you join us. Let me introduce you to my First. Dr. McCoy, this is Lt. Commander Spock , my Science Officer and my First Officer." McCoy moved to shake hands then remembered and dropped his hand awkwardly. Vulcan's didn't shake hands. "Captain Kirk, it's good to see you again. As soon as I check in, I'll be giving you a roster for everyone to come visit me for complete checkups. Mr. Spock, I look forward to working with you." "Doctor." The Vulcan radiated a glacial calm. Piper suspected that there was going to be fireworks in that particular relationship. Piper watched Kirk turn and smile at Spock. The Vulcan warmed a slight bit, immediately. "Spock, I met Dr. McCoy during one of my rehab sessions back on Earth." Kirk leaned almost imperceptibly towards Spock and the Vulcan's stance relaxed a bit more. "Why don't you beam up with him and give him a tour, Spock. We can save the official stuff for later. I'd like to spend a little time with Mark, before he leaves." Spock looked at Kirk and nodded solemnly. "Of course, Captain. Doctor, if you will accompany me, I will escort you to your quarters and show you the Enterprise." Kirk and Piper watched them walk away together to beam up. "Jim, I think he'll cut it." "Who, Spock or McCoy?" He chuckled. "Both. You have that Vulcan as loose as I've ever seen him, you know. I think McCoy may help you a little there." "I like Spock, a lot. He's a good man, a kind man. I don't want McCoy harassing him. As I recall, Leonard has a tongue that can cut through bones. He was pretty raw back then." "You need that." "Yeah, maybe you're right." Kirk gave Piper a half smile and ran his fingers through his hair. That was his one sign he gave when he was embarrassed, or lost for words. "I'm going to miss you, Mark. You've helped me through some rough times." Kirk said quietly. "Pay me back by becoming the best damn Starship Captain in the history of the Federation." Piper slapped Kirk on the back, and moved him down the hallway. "You don't ask a lot, do you?" "I know your potential, Jim. You just need the right people around you. I think you have that now." Kirk stopped and stood silently for a minute. He closed his eyes briefly. "You never did like Gary as my First." He said quietly. "No, I didn't. He wasn't smart enough to keep up with you, and he was a user. Spock can keep up with you and McCoy can keep you whole." Kirk grunted in response. "Spock can think rings around me. McCoy needs to stay sober to keep me whole. I remember a lot about him, especially him being drunk more than I liked." "Stop selling yourself short, Jim. Spock and you think differently; both of you are equally brilliant. As for McCoy, he only drinks heavy when he works for an asshole. He'll do fine, for you." Kirk tilted his head slightly to look at Piper from the side. "I think I've been complimented, but I'm not sure." "Come on, Jimmy boy, buy an old man all the drinks he wants. I want to get rip-roaring drunk on my last day with a legend to be." "You must have started already. You have to be drunk, if you think I'm going to be a legend. Come on, old man, the drinks are on me." Chapter 2 Piper had been gone for two months. McCoy stood on the bridge, next to the Captain of the Enterprise. He reviewed the last few painful weeks in his mind. The Enterprise's first mission, after McCoy joined the ship, had been deep space star mapping. McCoy had watched Kirk in action against a ship from the newly discovered, First Federation. The massive, First Federation ship had trapped them like fly paper. They were given 10 minutes before certain death and McCoy had resigned himself to death. The countdown got closer. The tension was overwhelming. Then, Kirk dreamed up the Corbomite maneuver. McCoy still felt a mixture of chagrin and pride. It was his fight with Kirk on the bridge, that made Kirk think of the bluff. That crazy bluff saved them from destruction. Who else would have thought of lying about the Enterprise carrying a self-destruct substance as part of the ship that would destroy whatever destroyed the Enterprise. It proved a point to McCoy however, that Kirk was basically a heartless, fearless, liar. McCoy had been too mad at Kirk, to wait to talk later. Hell, he hadn't been sure there would be a later, and that had scared the shit out of him. He started a fight over Kirk pushing Lieutenant Bailey too hard. The boy wasn't ready for the level of responsibility that Kirk gave him, or so McCoy felt. Kirk said he had to get ready. They argued. Kirk used their fight to inspire him to win. Everything was grist for his mill. McCoy admitted to himself that his new Captain was one very cool customer. His calm made the whole bridge patiently count down the seconds to death, without panic. He could see it as a good trait, it just wasn't normal to McCoy, or human. The young Bailey returned to resume his duty station before the end. Maybe, Kirk had been right. McCoy didn't like how he, himself, felt. He liked how he had acted, even less. He had watched the Vulcan and the Captain, on that day. They prowled the bridge. They were hunting lions. They searched for a way out, any way out. Spock finally suggested acknowledgement of defeat. The first real glimmer of anger from Kirk had surfaced at Spock's surrender. Even McCoy, hadn't missed the slump of Spock's shoulders, in response. McCoy thought Spock giving up, made Kirk madder than someone trying to destroy the ship. They met their adversary later. The alien that had threatened to destroy the ship, was a three foot tall, humanoid, named Baalok. Baalok and Kirk had hit it off marvelously. Great, McCoy thought. An alien was going to destroy our ship, kill us all, if we had failed his damn test. That same alien had announced how alike he and Kirk were. Even an alien could recognize what a heartless, manipulator Kirk could be. Worse yet, Kirk had not held a grudge. Baalok had terrorized the ship and him, McCoy. Kirk had accepted it without hesitation. It was going to be a long four years, the Doctor thought. McCoy still felt a little guilty about it all. Kirk apologized to him, later, for getting angry with him in return. Shoot, Leonard thought, here I fought with the man on his bridge during a red alert and he apologized to me for getting angry. The man ain't right in his head. He's crazy, that's what he is. McCoy had looked forward to the next mission after that one. He felt a fool now, for doing so. It was to re-supply an archeologist, Robert Crater and his wife, Nancy, on planet M113. The wife had been one of McCoy's old flames. The memory of the heat between them, still made McCoy's groin ache. McCoy had just wanted to look, even if he couldn't touch. Or, so he had thought then. Days and deaths later, McCoy stood beside Kirk on the Bridge. The planet disappeared in the distance. Kirk was unusually quiet and withdrawn. Spock hovered with obvious concern. That mission had been a disaster. They lost three crewmen to a salt craving, shape changer on M113. It had been the last of its kind and they had killed it. No, I killed it McCoy thought. I shouldn't lie , even to myself. Prof. Crater was killed. His wife had been dead for years, it turned out. Dr. McCoy had made yet another glaring mis-step. This one had almost killed his Captain. Memory flooded McCoy, again. "Move aside, Bones." Jim said "What's going on here, Jim? He asked. "She's not Nancy, Bones." "Are you insane?" had been McCoy's response. He had been so angry at the Captain's inhumanity. Kirk's words still echoed in his mind. McCoy hadn't believed Kirk. He had not wanted to believe Kirk. So, the Doctor had gotten between the phaser and the target. The salt vampire had been Kirk's target. The creature used McCoy's distraction to move in for the kill. Its target was Kirk. McCoy had stood, paralyzed. The salt creature began to kill his Captain. Still, McCoy couldn't move. Spock had run in screaming at McCoy to kill it. McCoy's heart had made him hesitate. The creature threw the Vulcan aside like a rag. He smashed Spock against the wall. Then, the creature turned to drain the remaining life from the Captain. Kirk's scream of anguish, as his cells burst, made McCoy fire. Kirk's face had been closed and unreadable, to McCoy, since then. Leonard McCoy shook himself out of his reverie and back to the present. He had just let the Captain out of the Sick-bay, after a quick, but thorough exam. Kirk still looked a little pale and weak. His responses to McCoy since, had been short and to the point. There was no reason for the Doctor to stay on the Bridge. Kirk had said little to him, in the days they had orbited the planet, to collect the last of Professor Crater's artifacts and personal belongings. The Doctor turned to exit. Someone grunted loudly, followed by a thud. McCoy turned to see Kirk, face down on the floor, unconscious and seizing. The Doctor rushed back and was seconds behind the Vulcan. "No, Spock, don't try to hold him. Let him go. Uhura call a medical emergency; full life support to the bridge." The seizures continued. "Bring me the med alert kit, now." Someone, Sulu it looked like, was already handing it to him. "Do something, Doctor, quickly. He can't breathe." Spock inched closer. Kirk continued to seize painfully. He was totally lost to his convulsions. McCoy could feel the heat of the Vulcan; he was so close to him. McCoy ran the tricorder from the kit over Kirk. "I'm doing something, dammit, Spock. Let me work." He looked at the readings. Kirk had an enormous electrolyte shift with severe hyponatremia, low sodium. There was also an unknown circulating hormone that the instruments had not picked up before. It had to have been a delayed trigger from the vampire. He was seizing from acute cerebral edema. There was no anti-epileptic meds in the kit. "Shit," McCoy muttered. He picked the strongest sedative he could find, and injected it into the young Captain. It was too strong; the man arrested. Suddenly, McCoy was confronted by a man that was not breathing. "My god, I've killed him. This is all my fault." McCoy whispered to himself, forgetting Vulcan ears. He checked for a pulse. Still there, but weak and thready. "Spock, start mouth to mouth, move." McCoy turned again to the woefully inadequate kit. Just as he had decided to use something that he hated, the team with the crash cart raced onto the bridge. He had Kirk hooked up to life support in three minutes flat. They raced to sickbay. McCoy's thoughts were racing and painful. He worked on the Captain in a blur of focused activity, for the next few hours. Finally, he brought the brain swelling under control and the seizures subsided. McCoy sat at his bedside, in a silent vigil, afraid to leave. Kirk's hand lay open, on the edge of the bio bed, where it seemed to reach towards the Doctor, in silent supplication. McCoy fell asleep, watching it not move. He was startled awake by movement. The Vulcan was standing next to him watching the sleeping Kirk. McCoy stretched and stood. "Doctor, I need to say something to you." McCoy turned to look at him. "What is it, Spock?" Spock met McCoy's eyes for the first time. McCoy flinched. "On our first mission, you fought with my Captain. He needed his attention to be on our problem. I excused your behavior then as an aberration, attributable to your ignorance of how things are done on this ship. Two days ago, your hesitation almost killed my Captain. He ordered you to fire; he ordered you to stand aside. You did neither. This," he pointed to Kirk, "is the result of your weakness. This is the result of your incompetence. If my Captain dies, it will be your fault. I personally will not tolerate you ever endangering his life again, ever. That is my word. That is the promise of a Vulcan." McCoy was stunned. The worst part was, that the Vulcan had told the truth. It was McCoy's fault. He had blown it, yet again. Shit, Shit, Shit. "He's my captain, too, Spock." "Obviously not, Doctor, or you would have fired, when he ordered it. Had you done so, we would not be standing here, now. You are .. unreliable. In the future, I will do what I must, to insure Kirk's survival. Do not ever stand between me and that goal." He gave the human a look that McCoy never wanted to see again. Then, the Vulcan left. It was another day before Kirk began to stir. McCoy sat and watched him open his eyes. The Doctor gave him a few moments to get oriented, before he spoke to the awakening man. "Jim, this is McCoy. You're in sickbay. You had some seizures from your salt loss. It's over now." Kirk didn't answer. McCoy felt his heart skip. Maybe Kirk had a residual deficit from the seizures. Maybe he couldn't hear or speak. No, McCoy had checked the brain scans. That would have shown up. "Jim, do you hear me? Jim, I'm talking to you. Say something, dammit." "What precisely did you want me to say, Doctor?" Kirk stared through him. "Damn, you scared me half to death. I was worried you might have brain damage or something. Don't do that to me." "Sorry, Doctor." Kirk turned his face away to the opposite wall. "How do you feel, Jim?" "Tired, and I have a headache." His voice was muted. McCoy worked around the monitor for a moment. "Let me get you something for your headache." The hiss of the hypo was the only sound except for the beep of Kirk's vitals, on the monitor. The Doctor felt overwhelmed by regret. "Jim, I'm sorry. My hesitation almost killed you. I was wrong." Kirk turned back to look at him. "No, Doctor McCoy, your lack of faith, your questioning my orders, and your hesitation, almost killed Spock, me, and who knows how many other members of my crew." "I'm sorry." "That won't do." "What the hell else am I suppose to do, flay myself for you?" "I need to be able to trust you, Leonard or I can not have you on board my ship. I have had enough of untrustworthy people. I have had enough of users, liars and weak links. Make me trust you again, Leonard, or leave my ship." He paused, as if he was going to say something else. He didn't. He turned away to face the wall. McCoy left the room. Standing in the doorway was Spock. They passed each other without a word. The Vulcan entered the room McCoy had just left. He signed out to M'Benga and went to his quarters. McCoy sat in his cabin for the rest of the night, nursing one drink. He never finished it. The last time he had been asked to trust someone, it had been his wife, right before he caught her with her lover. Now, this man wanted trust from him, demanded it. McCoy wasn't sure he could give it. He realized that he hadn't heard what Piper had told him. He had listened , but he hadn't heard it. Kirk was a righteous force. The Vulcan followed him without reserve. McCoy hadn't accepted the fact, that these two men might be more than just intelligent soldiers. He had discounted their humanity, their morality, and their honor. Kirk had almost died because of that cynicism. "You are going to have to be their heart and soul.," Piper had said. Shit, McCoy thought, first, I have to find my own soul. I've lost it over the years; or buried it so deep that I can't reach it. They need that from me. They're worth that from me. I don't know if I have it now. I don't know if I ever had it. Maybe that was the problem with my wife, my daughter, and every relationship since. I've been playing God, the big bad surgeon. I had the gift of life or death. I have always known what the other guy should do, the arbiter of right and wrong, that's me. Who better than me, to judge people? What if I've been wrong all these years? Maybe it was me after all. Maybe I'm the faithless one. What do I do now? The man was willing to trust me with his life, his soul and I played with them. I hesitated and I questioned his right to command me. I didn't trust him, just like I've never trusted anyone, really. I've destroyed every relationship I've ever been in. I've left either emotionally or physically. Piper was wrong. It's not Kirk and Spock that need each other. It's me who needs Kirk and Spock. I have to break back out into the world and feel for myself again. Not just tell others how to feel. Lord, this hurts. I don't want to feel that much. Alcohol has been my best friend for years. Now, this man is offering me himself. I don't want to take that kind of chance, but I have to. No more liquid sedation, McCoy. Its time to come out of your haze. He thought about what this would mean to his life. Many things would have to change. He would have to be willing to allow himself to truly be led. That had never happened before. With trust, came reliance. With reliance, came friendship. After friendship, came expectations. Perhaps, he could take the journey. He knew now, he had to try. He got up and went back to sickbay. Spock and Kirk sat quietly talking in the sickbay. McCoy waited while Spock finished his report on Ship's status. "Captain, Mr. Spock." They looked at him silently. He began. "Let me introduce myself again. I am Leonard H. McCoy, your ship's Surgeon and CMO. I underestimated both of you. I overestimated myself. I'm sorry, Sir. I request permission to start again. From now on, you'll only get my best. You have my word." Kirk and Spock looked at each other. Kirk turned to McCoy. Kirk's eyes pierced him, read him down to his genetic code. Finally, Kirk nodded, once. "Very well, Dr. McCoy. Welcome to the Enterprise. Welcome to our team." 4 9