Title: Nyota's Tale Author: Istannor Series : TOS Part: 1/1 Rating NC I7 Code: K/S implied,lang. Synopsis: Nyota and Jim have a tale to tell. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back, when they promise to treat them with respect. Nyota's Tale "Nyota, I love you, why in the world would you want to go to space? We can stay here, be together, and raise a family. I don't want you to leave." Nuradeen pleaded with her again as he had so many times in the past. "It is not seemly for a woman to be in space, unmarried and working beside men who lust after her. I forbid it, you will stay with me here on Earth." Nyota had heard this many times before but this was the first time he had actually said something as stupid as, "I forbid it." Briefly, she wondered what she had seen in him in the first place, as he continued to rant in front of her. She did not answer. She saw no reason to. There was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to be the Communications Officer on the flagship of the fleet. It was an opportunity she would have almost killed for and it was hers. Nuradeen continued to walk around the room with his arms making wide circles to emphasize his points. He was tall and beautifully black-skinned with a body that reminded Uhura of her first reason for noticing him. He was probably the most gorgeous specimen of a man that she had ever seen, with beautiful brown eyes, dark full lashes and a sensuous mouth that was now opened in anger. To be fair, she thought, he was also extremely intelligent, except for his blind area regarding women. Yes, she did remember what had attracted her to him in the first place, lust. She had forgotten to take into account however that he was a citizen of New Akkaba and as such, very backwards about his concept of a woman's role. He actually believed he had a right to tell her what to do. He thought that he could coerce her into marriage because that was what he wanted. How strange. At first his differences were entertaining and even arousing, but it had worn thin lately. Last week she had told him that the relationship was over and she thought then that he would explode. Since that day he had been at her apartment every day alternately arguing and cajoling her to marry him. It was obvious that he did not understand how much his behavior solidified Nyota's decision. She simply watched. In her world men did not do this or if they did they were taken away to be re-socialized by the griots, the holders of knowledge. She assumed that it would blow over like a sudden torrential rainstorm over the savanna in spring, so she simply waited and said nothing and watched curiously. It was a total surprise when he came over to her and slapped her, once, twice, then again. No one had ever hit her in anger. She struck him with a blow to his temple that pushed him back and she moved away in shock. "How dare you. No one hits me. Get out of my home. I never want to see you again; you are insane," she screamed. On New Akkaba men did hit women however, and men did not get told to leave. He was a big man and now he truly attacked her, enraged beyond reason at the effrontery of a woman hitting him and attempting to command him, Nuradeen Singh. He beat her until she lay unconscious at his feet and then he left. He would be back and next time she wold treat him with the proper respect due a man. Uhura awoke to pain and the taste of blood in her mouth. She got up slowly and painfully and managed to get over to the Com link and call an emergency transport. She spent two days in the hospital and refused to answer any questions from the police. She would not have it go on her Starfleet record that she had been involved n an episode of domestic abuse. She did not want to miss her chance to be on the Enterprise and if it took her silence to assure it then so be it. She hoped and prayed that Nuradeen would be too embarrassed to come around after this. In her mind she still could not conceive of the idea that he thought that beating her was his right. He showed up at her apartment the next day, but she refused to let him in. He was waiting outside Starfleet when she left her job the following day, but she stayed with her friends and he trailed behind her. Everyday, at work or at home he was there. She began to jump at shadows and ordered her food in never leaving once she got home at night. She took a cab to work every day so that she would never be on the street unescorted. The messages on her machine became more and more threatening. It dawned on her finally that she might have to have him jailed, but she resisted that because she feared that would ruin her chances at her silver ring. Her friends finally coaxed her out of her house one night to go with them to a nightclub. One of her favorite groups Earth Wind and Fire Revisited, was going to be playing and they had bought her a ticket as a surprise. She did not have the heart to say no, so she went and looked over her shoulder the whole time. The concert hall was a stand-up venue with a giant bar stretching around it on three sides. They found a place near the center of the back bar and ordered drinks. When the concert started she forgot for a moment that she was being stalked and she relaxed into the music and found her body swaying as she sang along to some of her favorites. "You have a beautiful voice." A male voice whispered into her ear and brought her out of her reverie. She opened her eyes to look into the smiling face of a blondish-brown haired young man with the most beautiful hazel eyes she could ever remember seeing and a smile that made her respond pleasantly. "You should be up there with them not down her with the peons." She chuckled in spite of herself. "If I could make the kind of music they do, I would be up there with them." "I bet you could make anything you put your mind to." She looked at him again and she could feel his desire for her and she liked it, it made her feel beautiful. "You are beautiful you know." He said quietly, almost reverentially, then he smiled embarrassed, "I'm sorry, what a line. I bet men tell you that all the time." He turned to her again and suddenly he looked very serious. "I mean it though, really mean it." Nyota found herself completely entranced. "My name is Nyota Uhura and you are..? "Sorry, what a goof I am. Kirk, Jim Kirk. It's a pleasure to meet you Nyota. Would you care to dance?" An especially great slow song started, and she could feel her body begin to sway to it already. "I'd love to." He took her hand and wrapped her in his arms and began to dance with her holding her like a treasure. She felt him meld his body to hers and they swayed and moved in easy union lost in the music and the moment. He was graceful on his feet and he felt the rhythm of the music with her and they moved as one. She found herself wondering how he would be in bed. She had always found that the best dancers made fantastic lovers. Men who danced, who had their body in control, were able to find the rhythm in the music of their passion also, and this Jim Kirk was full of power and control. He heard the music and danced to her rhythm. She felt his muscles bunch and flex under her hands, lion, she thought, or panther. He was power and control, and she loved it. They spent the rest of the evening in each others company and she had already decided that she would ask him home with her when they left. They exited the club with her friends who all gave her a knowing smile before giving them their good-byes. Then she and her new friend, Jim, began to walk down the street languidly together. They talked about space, ships, and sounds, and enjoyed each others company while they basked in the sensuality of the night. She was startled when she heard the familiar voice behind her, "So this is why you don't wish to get married. You just want to go to clubs and pick up strange men. I should have known that you were like this. But, I will break you of it, my dear." Nyota turned to look at Nuradeen and found to her surprise that Jim had already positioned himself between her and him. She could almost see a corona of danger radiating surround him, definitely a lion she decided. He allowed her to take the lead. "Go away, Nuradeen. I have told you that it's over. I have no intention of ever being with you again. You are revolting, just leave and stop hounding me." "No, my little love, I have no intention of leaving." He turned to Kirk who he towered over. "You can go now. I will escort the lady home, little man." Kirk laughed, startling both Nyota and Nuradeen. "Little man, how quaint. Did you get that off an old movie or something. Look, I would rather end this discussion amicably. The lady does not wish to go with you and I have no intention of leaving, so I suggest you go along and find yourself some other form of entertainment for the evening. She has a right to pick whomever she desires and it is painfully obvious that she does not desire you." Suddenly Nuradeen reached to strike Kirk and before he could touch him, Kirk grabbed his hand, pushing his thumb and wrist back; and he twisted...hard. Nuradeen was forced to his knees in front of the smaller man, in obvious pain. "Fascinating, in this position you aren't so tall anymore, are you?" He leaned forward with a look full of death and destruction. "I do not like people that force their attentions on another being, therefore I do not like you. People I do not like have a nasty habit of becoming damaged. Leave now, and don't look back before I have to spank you, big man." Nuradeen looked up at him with a look of hate, at which Kirk bent his wrist and thumb further, the man yelped. He let Nuradeen up slowly and let the hand go warily as he watched him. With a look at Nyota that spoke of future pain, he stalked off into the night. Kirk turned to her and sighed slightly. "That sure ruined the mood," he said lightly. "Come on, I'll take you home and I want you to tell me what's going on. I want to help, if you'll let me." She could only nod. They talked into the night and fell asleep holding each other tightly. Nyota felt safe and slept soundly and deeply for the first time in months. She was awakened in the morning by her COM link with a call from Starfleet. She got up and answered it and verified it wasn't urgent. She still had a few hours to enjoy herself. She looked around for Jim and smelled the aroma of biscuits and coffee. Minutes later, he came out of the kitchen with a tray full of biscuits, jam, and fresh coffee. "I thought I'd let you sleep. You were exhausted. Here, get something to eat before you go." Nyota looked at him for the first time in the daylight and he was magnificent. Not without blemishes, but even those seemed to work. He had a beautiful smile that made a warm wave wash over her. Suddenly she knew that biscuits were not what she had in mind. She reached out for him and pulled him down to her hungrily and felt him lean down to find her lips and brush them lightly teasingly with his lips. Again and again he laid feather kisses over her lips and her face, missing nothing. Finally, he turned back to her and looked at her with a longing that made her shudder. They kissed again this time deeply, passionately, and they began to flow into each other matching their rhythms, hearing the song. He was all that she had imagined and more. Later, they laid together, sated and laughing while he fed her a biscuit with his mouth. Only the insistent chime of the COM reminded her that she had somewhere to be. They got dressed quickly and headed out together. He gave her a long deep kiss before they parted and her lips burned for the rest of the day. She did not hear from Nuradeen that day or the next. There were no more calls and no more visits at work. She and Jim met every night and reveled in each other as each day brought them to new heights of passion. It was only a short two weeks later when she got her traveling orders from Starfleet. She was to report to the Enterprise in two days. Kirk had been assigned to the Farragut. They knew that it would be unlikely that they would see each other soon, so they said their good-byes in the only way they could until they were spent. He came to see her off at Space dock and she left to join her new ship. There were no regrets. He at least knew that she had to go to space as did he and he did not ever ask her to change. Months later curiosity got the better of her and she began to wonder what ever became of Nuradeen. She finally found out. He had been dragged out of a garbage can in a back alley near his home a day after she had seen him last. Someone had beaten him to within an inch of his life. When he finally recuperated, he had taken the first shuttle back for New Akkaba. Thoughtfully, Uhura sent a message to Kirk, now a lieutenant on the Farragut. She told him what she had discovered about Nuradeen, then she asked him one question. "Is there any chance that you had nothing to do with that?" She asked. He responded, "There is always a chance." THE END