Title: First Officer's Log-Personal #1 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: PG 13 Codes: Can't think of anything to mention. It's Spock speaking and he doesn't even curse. Summary: This is Spock's response to McCoy's intrusive questioning in Doctor's Logs 4. McCoy feels Spock should work out his issues, out loud. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Spock's Logs-Personal [Stardate: 1640.3] It is not my custom to keep a personal log. A Vulcan should not require one. However, the Doctor approached me after my inexcusable display five days ago, and suggested this as a tool which may benefit me. He says it has been very therapeutic for him to work out some of his issues in this manner. I do not wish to seem recalcitrant, therefore, I will attempt to utilize this method, at least this once. I have agreed I must talk this issue through, to come to some point of resolution. I have attempted to meditate, and the deeper levels have been unattainable. I have not found any surcease of the constant questions which assail my mind. It is distracting me from my duty. I can not have it interfere with my function, or lessen my performance in any way. I have asked myself repeatedly, why did I leave Dr. McCoy so abruptly? What in particular did he say to result in such an inexcusable display of emotion? I find myself at a loss. He was not being any more difficult and intrusive, than is his norm. Yet, I felt an overwhelming need to exit. I must admit, I practically ran from the recreation room. That is completely unacceptable. I am Vulcan. I control; I am not controlled by my emotions. He asked me what did it mean to me that my Captain believed in happiness ,and I did not. Even now, the question makes me uncomfortable. I am in need of further thought on this issue. I told him, I do not believe in happiness. It is illogical to wish for a fleeting and unreliable emotion. It is illogical to allow the pursuit of something so ephemeral, to control your life. My Captain pursues happiness, therefore he is illogical. I choose to satisfy the needs and requests of my Captain, which he has stated make him happy. Therefore I, in performing my duty, am fulfilling an illogical and ephemeral goal. This reasoning is circular and resolves nothing. Why is it important to me to make my Captain happy? I admit I pursue this goal, as illogical as it is. I admit, it gratifies me to see James Kirk smile at me in approval. I do not require it and he does not feel obligated to do so, yet he does, and it gives me...satisfaction. I have come to look forward to his smiles, his open shows of affection, his touch on my arm, light though it is. I have come to rely on the fact that he understands my silences and my reticence. He seeks to include me and explain what I have not comprehended. I am never made to feel different, only accepted. His pursuit of my friendship is a completely new sensation for me. At first, I did not know what to do with his open acceptance. I have recently learned to accept it. What a novel concept. At the beginning of gamma shift when he comes to my cabin, or I go to his to meet him for our late night ship inspection; I feel a sense of correctness, as if I have been waiting for this experience all of my life. I breathe easier for it. Such an emotional reaction should be discouraged, I know, but I must first acknowledge truth. Without truth there can be no resolution. I can remember when my Mother still hugged me and stroked my hair. I was four. We would sit in the garden in the late afternoon, and she would tell me fanciful stories of dragons and knights in armor. I , of course, knew even then they were illogical and lacking in any historical accuracy. Yet, I enjoyed those times. We would laugh. To be more exact, my Mother would laugh, and I would smile. Occasionally, I would even giggle like a little human boy. The shadow of Sarek fell too heavily on me, as young as four years of age, for me to actually laugh. My mother would hold me against her cool human flesh , she would stroke my hair and tell me stories. I believe those times may have been described as periods of happiness in my life, as I certainly was content. I can remember listening to the slow, methodical heartbeat of my Mother, as I lay against her. When my head rested against her, I could feel the laughter which rippled through her thoughts and her pleasure in holding me. I always conceptualized of her thoughts as being a gentle flame that warmed me. It all was so different from my own Vulcan rhythm, or my Father's shielded thoughts. She would laugh and hug me to her breast. Often, she would speak of her desire for me to be happy. It was an issue which concerned her then, and continues to concern her now, my happiness. What does that mean? I still have no concept. I am content when one of the crew accomplishes a difficult task. I am content when we succeed in yet another difficult mission. I am content when I have taught a member of my science team a new concept. I am content when I am in the company of my Captain, doing any activity. This admission means my contentment regarding my Captain's company is not goal oriented, as is appropriate, but experiential. This is not logical, but it is truth. I find contentment in another's company. I have often wondered if I will find contentment in the company of my intended, T'Pring. I think not. I have already decided to not stay on Vulcan after our bonding ceremony. I will return to my duties here, on board this ship. The Captain and I exercise routinely together. We have done this since 1.4 months after Commander Mitchell's death. I was reluctant to do so at first, fearing his reaction to my greater strength and speed. I did not expect him to laugh. He does, quite frequently. Even after I have pinned him to the ground, or thrown him to the mat, he laughs and rises from the floor to begin again. I asked him why his ego is not damaged by the unequal contest. He laughed at the question, also. His reply was: "You doing it, bypasses my ego." It was the spirit in which he was beaten that counted, it seemed. The fact I took no satisfaction from winning the contests, made it a non-issue to him. My attitude does not stimulate his drive to win. To him, our contests only serve as a learning exercise on how to battle a stronger opponent. I trust it has been very educational for him, because he has continually been the loser. I admit, it is a source of contentment to me, that I can wrestle with him at full Vulcan, or partial strength, and whatever the outcome, I am not ostracized. When we wrestle, I am often reminded of how uninhibited a man he is. He wrestles, barechested, in loose pants or shorts. Often, he is barefoot. He states it is the farmboy in him that despises clothes. I am not sure what that means, but he frequently eschews appropriate dress, or protective equipment. I know this, because once one of my blows went astray, and I hit him in his genitalia. After he was able to breathe again, seeing the chagrin on my face, he told me if I kissed them, it would make them all better, and he wouldn't court-martial me. I realized immediately, of course, the remark was nonsensical. Then, he began to roll on the floor in obvious enjoyment of his own humor. I am not sure how kissing his genitalia would make either of us better. Especially, since the Captain has women clamoring to kiss his genitalia, or so it seems when we are on shore leave. Sometimes, when we are grappling, I can hear his heart beat. He is in excellent physical condition, so his heart beats slowly, regularly, and his skin is cool to the touch. His skin, like my Mother's, is unbelievably soft. Yet, unlike my Mother's, it overlays corded bands of muscle that are as hard as any Vulcan's. When I touch him, my personal shields must be at full strength, because he broadcasts his thoughts far more loudly than I am used to from a human. His thoughts, unlike my Mother's, are not a gentle flame. They are a roaring inferno of concepts and emotions which flash through his mind non-stop. His thoughts never rest. Yet, underlying all, I sense his gentle laughter which warms me, because it is not directed at me. It is in enjoyment of me. This I know. I find myself drawn towards his chest, wanting to lay my head against it and rest. At those times, I feel phantom fingers running through my hair. I require intense meditation after that occurs to release those thoughts. My mother's hands are ghostly fingers, reminding me of a time when I could still smile, before Vulcan consumed all that was human about me. When I was 4 years, 7months and 22 days old, my Mother and I were in the solarium, playing with a toy she had pulled from her chest of things she had brought with her from Earth. It was a toy ship that sailed the seas. The concept of a place where there was enough water that one could actually sail across it for days caused me to laugh out loud. I thought it was the most fantastic thing I had ever heard. I laughed, and my Mother hugged me in joy, at hearing my laughter. Sarek picked that inopportune moment to enter the room. I felt the sudden chill that descended on both my Mother and I. He bade me leave and I did so, quickly. I know my parents argued. I heard their voices raised in anger, at least my Mother's was. They shut the parental link so I could not pry. That act succeeded in leaving me to experience a profound sense of isolation, because they had never done either of those things before, argued loudly, or shut down the link. There initially was no resolution. My parents stalked around each other like two great Le Matyas circling after the same prey. Unfortunately, five days later, two of the children at school took it upon themselves to beat me after classes had been dismissed. My offense was being part human. They kicked me, slapped me, and chased me home, all the while yelling at me: stupid human, stupid bestial human. Sarek was home when I arrived, quite disheveled, at the front door, with the young boys still in hot pursuit. One look from my father as he opened the door to find his son, dirty and bloody at his feet, was sufficient to cause the boys to scatter, and the issue to come to a head. He called Amanda to the door. I can still see her expression of dismay and pain. I can still hear her gasp. Sarek only said: " They chased him home calling him a stupid human. They beat our son. Is this what you would have happen to him for the rest of his days? Is this how you would have a son of the clan of Surak treated?" I could see the defeat etched in her face. She sent me away with the housekeeper to clean myself, and stayed to speak with my Father. Later, I was called back into the room. Sarek informed me I would, as of the next day, have a Vulcan tutor. He also informed me: indiscriminate displays of emotionalism were to cease. I was to conduct myself as a Vulcan, with the control and decorum suited to the son of Sarek, and the Grandson of T'Pau. My Mother was forbidden to hug me, or stroke my hair, or tell me any stories that were illogical, or irrational. I could still see the redness in her eyes from her tears. He attempted to soften the decision, in his own way, by telling me it was for my own good, as I would be forced to cope with Vulcan expectations and mores. He warned me, if I did not learn the Vulcan way; my peers would ostracize me, and I would shame the family and the clan. So, at Four years, 7 months, and 28 days, I began a new life, out of the encircling coolness of my Mother's arms. My Father was in error. No amount of rigid application to Vulcan behavioral expectations, or principles, could compensate for one simple fact: I was and am, half Human, and a Pariah on my home world. Amanda did not give up without a continued show of defiance, however. For 3 years, 6 months and 15days, or until the completion of my Kahswan, my Mother and I had a secret ritual. Every night, after she thought me asleep, she would enter my room silently and bend over me. She would hug me ever so gently to her breast, and stroke my hair, lightly, softly. I would feign sleep. Her thoughts would bathe me in love, and gentle sorrow at our widening distance. Those nocturnal visits, and later my Sehlat, were my only solace during those years. After she would leave, I can remember almost smiling, and slipping easily into sleep. After the Kahswan, my adulthood ritual, I was denied even that. Now, away from Eridani, away from red sands, and my Father's disapproval, I walk the halls of a starship late at night, with a cool skinned human, whose heartbeat is slow and deep, who laughs easily, and touches me lightly, ever so lightly. This time, no-one will make him stop, no one will force him away. His will is incredibly strong, stronger even than Sarek's. He has told me I do not need to conform to anything, except my own standards, and he will accept that. I have no way to tell him how much this means to me. There is no logical construct to express it. It belongs in the realm of illogic. I must fight the feeling of shame I experience whenever thoughts of my Captain make me want to smile. I must fight the feeling of lightness that has threatened my composure at times when his thoughts brush mine and I feel his joy at my simple presence. I am Vulcan; that is all I know. To wander from that path, at this time, would be folly. Yet, at times, late at night after we have retired to our own cabins, I find myself wishing, most illogically, he would enter into my room while I slept. I desire him to hold my head to his cool, smooth, chest, and stroke my hair, lightly, and allow me to share his thoughts freely. I think that would define happiness for me. I know, if I asked him to do so, he would, because I asked it. Therefore, I can never ask it of him. How would he think of me then, if he knew his touch meant that much to me? I predict even he, would see me as lessened by that need. Now, I know why I left the Doctor in such unseemly haste. The scenario I desire most is impossible, therefore happiness is impossible. I will reach acceptance of this and go on. This has been very useful. I have reached a new level of understanding. Comprehension must always be the goal of intellect. END LOG