Title: Spock's Logs 10 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG13] Codes: Summary: We give our thanks to Ambassador Spock's estate for allowing us to view these records. It allows us an unusual insight into the process by which the most famous Command team in Starfleet history became a team. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom. They own them. I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Spock's Logs 10 Stardate: 2021.6 My Captain is down on the planet Charon, being held in confinement secondary to the indiscretions of Leonard McCoy. Dr. McCoy has shown himself to be a fool and a person who has little control over his verbal outbursts, even if they endanger the lives of his crewmembers. I realize that my Captain will find a way to resolve this issue; I do not doubt his abilities in the slightest. However, I can only hope that the cost of the compromise will not be too great. If it was my choice, I would offer McCoy's services as an indentured servant for a period of a month, in order to give them their due recompense. That would serve as a useful lesson for the Doctor to close his mouth, and it would be appropriate revenge on the people of Charon. Perhaps my response is illogical, but I would be remiss if I did not state my true reaction to these events. I admit to a feeling of unease despite the reassurances of the Federation Envoy that the Captain and his party are in good health and being well-treated. I can not identify the source of this concern, yet it exists. I have notified Starfleet and they have ordered me to remain in orbit and to not interfere under any circumstances. I will obey my orders. If they harm Jim, I will be displeased. We have continued to settle into our friendship over the last 3.2 months since PSI 2000. I have begun to tell him stories of my childhood and my early experiences at Starfleet. I had never shared those stories with anyone previous to Jim. For some unfathomable reason, I have not yet told him of the first time I saw him while he was still at Starfleet Academy. I am older than Jim and he entered the Academy at age 15. I entered at age 18 as is the norm. Therefore we were actually three years apart at the Academy. He was an upperclassman and already famous when I first matriculated. I was walking across the Academy Lawn, late one night, on my way to my quarters from my studies in the science labs. I was alone, as I always was in those days. I heard a muffled scream from over behind a side building that lay 147.8 meters to my left, the astrophysics labs. If I had not been Vulcan, the sound would have gone unnoted. I crossed quickly and silently to ascertain if anyone was in serious danger. At the time, hazing, and harassment of the Plebes was routine and unfathomable to me. No, that is a misstatement. The hazing reminded me of home. I admit, I stood quietly in the shadows as a young plebe by the name of Subodh Bisla, was forced down into the ground, and forced to lick the mud off of the boots of a particularly ill- tempered Upperclassman by the name of Vashti Simmons. Simmons was in the company of four other young men who were known to be equally offensive in their behavior. I was undecided as to what I should do and could not logically deduce what the correct human response would be. As I stood frozen in place, I heard a command barked out from the darkness that stretched out on the other side of the building. James Kirk stepped into view in the company of another man that I would learn later was Gary Mitchell. "Attention." His voice made even me stand straighter in the darkness where I stood. " What the heck do you think you are doing," he asked them softly. They tried to explain how they were just having a little fun playing with a plebe and Jim continued to march straight for them until he stood directly in front of all of them. He reached down and pulled Bisla up and waited for the young man to gather himself into some semblance of order and then he quietly told him to leave, which the boy did with alacrity. Then he turned to the offenders. Gary Mitchell had taken up a lazy stance against the side of the building and had a half smile on his face that I was only able to interpret years later. It meant that Jim Kirk was mad and Gary knew it and was settling in for the show. Jim outranked them all, but he pulled off his shirt and folded it quietly and handed it to Gary. "I told you to leave the plebes alone, Simmons. You don't play with them, you try to humiliate them. No-one can command a crew of men and women who have had their egos destroyed. Since you do not understand reason, obviously you need to go to a different type of school." Simmons was 8.6 centimeters taller and 10 kilograms heavier than James Kirk, who was a small 18 year old facing a 22 year old. I thought that I should leave and go get a professor, but I stayed rooted to the spot. The fight lasted 5.6 minutes. James Kirk rendered the young man unconscious and then turned to the rest of the group. "I have a new task for each and every one of you. You will personally see to the welfare of the plebes. If any of them get hurt, or humiliated, I will come looking for you five, not the ones that did it. We need men and women in space that will believe and have each other's best interest at heart. I will not let you ruin any of them. Do you understand me?" They screamed their assent. "Get out of here and take him with you." I was astonished. What he did was aggressive, violent, effective, and somehow kind at the same time. I could not leave; I was compelled to watch him. Gary Mitchell leaned off of the building and strolled leisurely towards Jim and handed him his shirt. " You know Jim, one day you are going to tire of tilting at windmills. They are assholes and they will die in space from stupidity. Why waste any blood and sweat on them?" Jim answered him with a phrase I came to know as his own. "I do not believe in a no-win scenario, Gary. There is always a chance that I can reach them. Look at you, you're still here." "That's because I knew a good deal and latched onto your coat-tails, Jim-Boy. Anyway, you know as long as I can read your mind, I can pass any test. Come on, let's go meet our dates. I want to get laid. You fighting and being a knight in shining armor always makes me horny." "You can't read my mind; you intuit the answers from my body language and a breeze makes you horny, Gary." "Sure your right, Jimboy, and don't knock breezes, they are wunnerful things," Gary laughed and they walked slowly off across the quads together. I do not know why that story came to mind. I will tell Jim about it when he returns to the ship. Now, I will go and speak with the Federation envoy again. If I do not hear from my Captain in 24hours, I believe I can make an argument for an emergency beam-out based on the defense that I was concerned that they had been illegally kidnapped by a subversive element of the Charon political underworld. If they were held without the consent of the Charon government and there was no proof that the people with whom I spoke were not being coerced, then my actions could be construed as rational and legal. It is fortunate that Vulcans are incapable of lying, unfortunately we can be mistaken and my conviction that they were kidnapped may be mistaken. I will learn to live with the chagrin of having been proven to have been...misled.