Title: Spock's Logs 14 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG13] Codes: Summary: We give our thanks to Ambassador Spock's estate for allowing us to view these records. It allows us an unusual insight into the process by which the most famous Command team in Starfleet history, became a team. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom. They own them. I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Spock's Logs 14 Stardate:2040.4 I have found myself watching human interactions rather intently, of late. Of late...strange, I would not have used such an approximate phrase prior to my friendship with James Kirk. It does not feel inexact. It details the existence of fact. Of late...versus previous to, or before, or recently. Fascinating. What other phrases have worked their way into my consciousness? Heretofore; thank-you; I regret; I am sorry; you are welcome; I care...all new to me and strangely comforting on my lips. I care. I do care. These Humans have become important to me. I watch Uhura from the edge of my perception. I can not fail to notice her grace and warmth of character. She smiles at me often and encourages my conversation. I would have discouraged her behavior before, but now I find that I do not want to do so. I enjoy her voice and the music it makes in my ears. Dr. McCoy has almost ceased to be a constant source of irritation. I have reached the point where I anticipate our verbal sparing with relish. He has wit and it is stimulating to see him sputter when he loses a point in our ongoing argument. I anticipate we will never have a peaceful relationship. It is possible we will be friends, however I know I will never want to be with him as much as I desire the company of Jim. McCoy has too many sharp edges and angers simmering beneath the surface. It jangles my senses. It is a decided disadvantage to be a telepath around some people. McCoy is one of those people. Mr. Scott has a wealth of engineering knowledge and is one of the most brilliant individuals I have ever spoken with. His interest is decidedly circumscribed, but within the world of engineering, I have never met his equal. Mr. Sulu has a gentle wit and a self deprecating style. In some ways he reminds me of a Vulcan. I have often found him to be a stimulating conversationalist. I do not want to discuss James Kirk at this time. I have not yet integrated my reaction to his recent injury. I did as he requested. I admitted my anger towards McCoy and I released it. I know in doing so, I forgave the Doctor. It is uncomfortable to admit the need to forgive. This requires the admission of disappointment and anger. I, as a Vulcan, have been taught to not succumb to those emotions. I tried to resist feeling these things, but I failed, yet again. After my failure to control, I was admonished by a human to forgive. This should not have been required. James Kirk should not have been in better control of his emotions than I. What has happened to my discipline, my control? I have watched Jim closely and I know he honestly has forgiven McCoy, just as he has forgiven me in the past. I now watch other Humans so they may help me better understand and anticipate the responses of my Captain and my crew. My crew...I have always called them his crew, the crew, or my Captain's crew. Now, I name them...my crew. Fascinating, I have claimed possession of an entire crew. Therefore, I have an obligation to them all. I must contemplate this in greater detail. Jim has brought me to this new state of involvement. My interaction with him is forcing a gradual metamorphosis. It will be intriguing to learn who I will be at the end of this journey. I already am more...the best and most descriptive term would be comfortable. Yes, that is it; I am more comfortable with myself. The process has been so insidious that I only now realize what has taken place. I must surmise that I have been manipulated into changing. My Captain is incredibly subtle to have done this without my full awareness. I, a Vulcan, have been out-maneuvered by a Human, and I do not feel any chagrin. Heya, what other things does my Captain have in store for me? I will need to become more informed about Human behavior. When did I first begin to monitor human behavior? I began to watch Humans when I served with Captain Pike. I was overwhelmed with responsibility and attempting to familiarize myself with what was expected of me. Captain Pike did not try to explain himself to me, ever, and I spent a great deal of my time in the pursuit of understanding. I recall myself as being exceedingly literal minded at that time, which led to a great deal of misunderstanding. I did not comprehend the nuances of human interaction, and I had no reference for the interpretation of emotions in vocal expression. I also had absolutely no appreciation of body language. Jim has spent a great deal of time explaining these things to me and I have found them to be exceptionally useful tools. I continued to watch Humans when James Kirk came aboard the ship. At first it was with a newfound sense of detachment. I was fascinated by how the crew reacted to him. I thought myself to be immune to his charms. I was a fool. I was no more immune to him than all the rest. I have learned to wait on his word and follow his will. I have learned to eagerly await his nod of satisfaction and to feel fulfilled when he lets me know he is pleased with my labors on our behalf. This satisfaction is not contrary to Vulcan beliefs, but it was not something I had ever concerned myself with before. I never sought the approval of another, not since Father denied me and Mother allowed it. It is pleasant to watch the Humans interact. They smile and laugh so freely. Without shame or approbation. Yesterday, I witnessed a lover's spat in the Officer's mess. Lt. Givens and Lt. So, both from my department began to argue heatedly with one another. I wondered if it was something I should intervene in, but I did not understand the dynamics of their disagreement. I was unsure if my intervention would be welcome. They suddenly realized I was watching them and their voices fell. Vulcan hearing meant they still were clearly overheard. They argued over whether or not Lt. So was spending sufficient time with Lt. Givens, or devoting too much time in the lab and with his male friends. Lt. Givens desired more attention. Curious, is it not? I was unable to fathom what more she could do with his attention? They worked together in the labs, they ate together at most meals. I truly did not understand the issue. I was actively pursuing this train of inquiry when she told him what she desired from him. I stopped listening at that time. Humans...they always seem to have their minds on rutting. I then saw what forgiveness meant in a sexual relationship. Lt. So began to smile and he apologized for not paying attention to her. His voice had risen to a loud enough pitch that I was unable to block it out. He kissed her lightly on the lips and asked her if she forgave him. She giggled...a most unflattering sound, and answered of course she did. She said it was impossible to not forgive him, because she loved him. Does that mean that love is an integral part of forgiveness? If so, does that mean that James Kirk loves Leonard McCoy because he forgave McCoy? Fascinating. I am familiar with the term agape love. It is non-judgmental love which has no limits. Then there is Eros, or sensual love. Humans also describe a love between a parent and a child, and platonic love. They actually have 23 separate definitions of love cataloged. Pre- reform Vulcans only had two definitions. Love between those who were forbidden to each other, and love between those who were not. Modern Vulcan has no word for love. Our word for emotional attachment translates to engulfment, the loss of self, the merging of souls. It is all we know, or admit to knowing. All else is smoke and we deny it. We do not love, or attach, with Eros, we do not attach with agape, we do not attach platonically, and we do not attach with any thing else but loss of self, or engulfment. It is the blessing and the bane of a telepathic race. This is what I have been taught and this is why we are Bonded at such a young age. The Engulfment occurs without choice and forces the loss of control, therefore it must occur only between Bonded couples, if at all. Much pre-reform and even early post-reform literature has been written on it, but we do not allow off-worlders to read it. The erotic content of the stories would make a Human blush. The heart of Vulcan is flame. I have never been loved in this manner. I have never seen love of this type. I am told my father loves my mother in this fashion, but I saw no evidence of it. My aunts and uncles tolerated each other, or so it seemed to me. Perhaps it is as they said, when I join my Bondmate, T'Pring, I will understand. I have been taught the soul of a Vulcan is worn on the inside, while the souls of Humans are worn on their faces. Perhaps Vulcans seem so distant to each other, even when Bonded, because their conversation is internal. I would want this to be so. I have begun to think of T'Pring a great deal. I hope she and I will experience engulfment. I want to lose myself in her and I want her to desire to do likewise with me. Unfortunately, I have not had the slightest indication that T'Pring is interested or capable of such a relationship. I do not want to tolerate her. In this respect, I desire to wear my soul on my face. I spoke to Jim yesterday regarding how he balanced friendship and duty. His answer was most curious. He said he does not balance one against the other. He feels they are one and the same. He said the ultimate duty is to do the correct thing when called upon to act and to do the honorable thing when the occasion arises. A true friend, in his mind, is one who will assist him in the completion of that duty, regardless of the personal cost to him, or the friend in question. He fell silent for a 3.52 minutes and I thought he was finished, but some part of me urged patience. He then said a true friend is someone who will forgive. The last sentence caused me...discomfort. He said a true friend is someone who will fight him when the time comes and kill him if necessary. After he said that, I lost my desire for chess and we did not play last night. He seemed to understand. I do not understand. Forgiveness, fighting, duty, honor, death. Why does he not include feelings in his description of friendship? I expected him to, and I am disconcerted that he did not. I thought I understood him, but it is now patently obvious that I do not. In many ways, he wears his soul on the inside and allows his face to show us what he wants us to see. I had thought his face was the reality, the gate to his essence. I was wrong. He buries his soul deep within and hides it even from me. I will continue to watch the crew closely, and through them I may find the key to understanding my Captain. I do not desire a fight with Jim, and I certainly do not desire his death. We are 1.24 standard days from Starbase 9. The Ambassador and their party are awaiting our arrival to transport them to Jerich 3. It is suppose to be a mission without incident or adventure. I think the entire crew could benefit from a small period of boredom. It would be refreshing. I am going to meet Jim in the gym. He requires a sparring partner and when he is in his rehabilitative mode, he tends to damage the Humans he spars with. He is unbelievably fast for a Human and stronger than his size would suggest. When he spars with me, he is not required to hold back. I do not want our sparring to become a harbinger of things to come. END LOG 1 1