Title: Spock's Logs 4 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: PG. 13 Codes: Summary: This is set 1 week after the mission to the Khoi. We give our thanks to Ambassador Spock's estate for allowing us to view these records. It allows us an unusual insight into the process by which the most famous Command team in Starfleet history, became a team. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom. They own them. I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Spock's Logs 4 [Stardate 1691] I did as I said I would do. I informed Captain Kirk today, that he could not expect any friendship from me. I explained that emotional relationships had no logical basis for existence for a Vulcan. I also explained that I was aware he may require an emotionally based relationship, as a human, and encouraged him to search out Dr. McCoy. Dr. McCoy is excessively emotional, and quite capable of meeting James Kirk's needs for friendship. I did as I stated I would. Having completed that task. I still have been unable to go pass the fifth level of meditation. The Captain was silent as he listened to my announcement. I was unable to read his facial expressions, which I now realize he had freely shared with me in the past. Previously, I thought they were involuntary reflections of his thoughts because of his lack of emotional control as a human. I saw today that they were voluntary insights into his mind's workings. He had been sharing with me, giving me clues in order to better understand human behavior. He removed those clues today. I was unable to ascertain any of his thoughts or reactions. It was similar to staring at a Vulcan master. Perhaps that serves as a clue to what he was thinking. Finally, when I finished, he stood and walked over to where I was. He looked at me, still in silence, and then he nodded once. I remember how emotions often shout out from James Kirk, as if he can project them. Standing there in front of me today, I sensed cold. All he said was: "Very well, Mr. Spock. Thank-you for that information. You are dismissed." He then turned, went to his desk, sat down, and began working on his reports. I walked out, unnoticed. What have I done? If my act was truly logical, why is it I feel no sense of triumph of logic over irrationality? Why I am unable to reach acceptance? Perhaps, this concept requires further reflection. Unfortunately, I need to speak with a human about this. I will not speak with McCoy. He is far too judgmental. Lieutenant Uhura is discreet and an excellent judge of human character. She has also proven to be insightful in the past. I will ask her to enlighten me on the concept of friendship, and what is expected of one, in that relationship. I am sure she will be of assistance. I have read several treatises on friendship, but I did not find them to be helpful. None of them have explained to me why I am unable to rationally deal with threat or injury to the Captain. None of them explained why, being summarily dismissed today has made me embarrassed. I will go speak with Lt. Uhura, now. I see an appropriate resolution to this issue may be vital to the welfare of this ship. Pause Log Resume Log Nyota Penda Uhura is a brilliant, insightful, wise woman. I honor her. I had no idea that she and Jim had been friends prior to him joining the Enterprise. Though she did not say so, at this point I surmised that there was far more then simple friendship to their relationship. That speaks much of their mutual constraint. I attempted to question her on the general nature and truths of the human concept of friendship. She refused to rest with generalities and said: "Mr. Spock, I will tell you how to be a friend to James Kirk. I will not discuss generalities with you. If that is not what you want, then find someone else to speak with, Sir. " I did not realize I was so transparent. I acquiesced, because to do less would be dishonest. She has enlightened me as to the true nature of Captain Kirk's personality. She states very clearly that he is emotionally intense, loyal to a fault, and vulnerable in a fashion that I had never anticipated, or deduced. I was under the impression that the Captain had friends on every ship he had ever served on, and every Starbase he had ever visited. Perhaps there is some part of me that yearned not to be one of the many who surround him in open supplication. I repeatedly see people crowding around him when we come to another base, or Federation World. Lt. Uhura says those are most often people that want to say they know him, or want something from him, from sex to favors. She says he is always cordial, but keeps a large part of himself hidden, tucked away for safety. Those people never see that part of him. She says he has allowed me to see more of the real him, than any of those synchopants have ever been privy to. She reassures me, that there is still far more to see, if I become worthy of his trust. I have now learned the difference between casual acquaintances and true friends. I have now been made to understand that the Captain desired me to be his true friend, not a casual friend. He desired someone with whom he could share confidences. He requires someone on whom he can depend, for other things than ship's business. He requires someone with whom it is not mandatory that he always be "The Captain". Uhura says that he has a core of innocence and vulnerability that he allows hardly anyone to see. She has seen it, and it almost broke her heart. It was wondrous for her to be with him, when he was being himself, Jim Kirk. He was the best friend she had ever had up until that point in life. She assures me that he will be that for me also, if I allow it. She also warned me that if I did not, the job would consume him, and destroy him, as it did Pike, because he has no other options on board this ship. She says McCoy is wonderful, but he does not understand the part of Jim that lets him kill with little visible hesitation. McCoy does not understand the command persona. It is true that McCoy is a healer and unable to harm a fly, as she phrased it, except with his questionable wit. Though why he would want to harm a winged insect, Drusophilus genus, origin earth, I have no idea. I do know that I do not wish him to end up as Christopher Pike did, depressed, burdened, and distant. I inquired of her, what the perceived benefit was to friendship, that humans risk so much pain to have it. She responded: " A true friend, Spock, is someone that you never turn to look for; they are always there. A true friend is someone that will look for what you need, and not wait for you to ask. A true friend is someone that sees nothing you do, as being embarrassing, or lessening you. A true friend will tell you when you are wrong and take no pleasure in that fact, and rejoice with you when you are right. A true friend completes you and lets you know that you are not alone." Fascinating. This is the Vulcan concept of T'hy'la. I did not think Humans were capable of this depth of attachment that transcends the physical and enters the realm of the metaphysical. I had always thought that it was a relationship reserved for those with telepathy, because of the requirement of "Knowing" and "Reading" the other. Uhura assures me that this is not so. I then asked her, without the right to do so, I admit, but curiosity, a weakness of mine, drove me. Why, I asked did she not continue her close relationship with the Captain? I have seen them interact; they are cordial, often playful, and respectful to each other, but I would not call them close. She looked sad for a moment, and I regretted the question. She said she had chosen to end the "Friendship" out of fear. She admitted that her relationship with James Kirk was intense and all consuming. He started to become all that she needed, or wanted and she became afraid that she would lose herself in him, and never find her way out. I did not understand what that meant and I told her that was the case. She explained further. She said that she had dreams and hopes for her career at the time they were friends. She had dreamed of being on a Starship and seeing new worlds, all of her life. She found that dream fading, even though Jim never asked anything like that of her. She said she saw herself beginning to contemplate marriage and children, and staying on some nice planet, waiting for Jim to return to her when he could. She saw herself going to him and asking him to marry her. He would have said yes, and at the time they would not have been posted together, so she would have opted for a ground assignment in his quadrant to be near him. She stated very emphatically, that she ran, before she weakened, and gave up her stars. It seems that our Captain engenders that response more than I had anticipated. I believe I am guilty of running, also. This has been most informative. I am indebted to Nyota for her honesty and her insight. She is a good friend to us both, and I will not forget this service. I must learn to deal with the ambiguous emotions I have regarding friendship. I will meditate on this new information, and inform the Captain of the outcome of those meditations. I hope I have not irretrievably damaged our professional relationship. End Log